computer keeps wanting to restart

Discussion in 'Software' started by katcelata, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. katcelata

    katcelata Private First Class

    Hi all! been awhile! Last night I got the standard notifications to update Java and Adobe and did both, because of that I am not sure which program caused the problem. Now when I start the computer I get the dialogue box that the computer needs to be restarted. I have done that twice, shut down the computer, etc, and it still occurs. I noticed tonight that AVG is running, though I use Avira now, and also got updates from AVG and a restart message. I read the prior post about this problem accuring w/AVG, and that was pretty much what is happening. However, this problem occured before AVG jumped in the mix tonight, so I am not sure exactly who is causing the problem or if it is more than one program that just happened to pull the same stunt. the AVG box clearly states it is AVG, the other boxes were just generic. Consequently I am holding off on taking the SargMajor's advise on the AVG post till some more input from my favorite army. HooRah!:major
    xxx Kat
  2. Elder_Usr

    Elder_Usr Sergeant

    Hey Katcelata,

    Suggestion. Is there anything in the Event Viewer that states a popup requesting to be shutdown, under the application/system logs. Give that a look, and see if you find anything interesting. Also, install any new programs recently minus the updates?

  3. katcelata

    katcelata Private First Class

    Thank you! No new installs, but I will check out the event viewer as soon as the Sox are done beating the pants off, oops, :-o mmm I mean dealing with the Yankees! That is something I would have had no clue to check, I really appreciate your help. Best, kat
  4. Elder_Usr

    Elder_Usr Sergeant

    Haha. Best of luck with the Sox :) and let me know if you find anything interesting.

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