New to forums

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by icandoit, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. icandoit

    icandoit Private E-2

    A slightly belated hello to all.
    I realise the purpose of the welcome center is for new members to introduce themselves and maybe even have a practice run, if like me they are forum virgins. So this is a bit back to front as I've already made two posts on the forum before coming here.
    I would like to stick to any rules and protocols rather than cause offense and this leads me to a couple of questions.
    I've read the post on bumping and appreciate the idea behind it but, it appears that posts cannot be edited, therefore leading to either a complete new post being started or "replying" to your own post to add further or forgotten information, both frowned upon for "bumping", but which in fact hurt only yourself. My question on this, is there another way around this? or have I just missed the edit button.
    Presumably a workaround for this would be to be able to edit the post without changing the original time stamp, thereby keeping the order of requests for assistance in the correct order.
    I have just had a popup from AVG informing me of a new threat detected on my computer "nircmd.exe" which I took a screen shot of and haven't got a clue what to do with.:confused:confused
  2. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to the MGs forums, icandoit. :wave
    As far as I'm aware there's a ten minute limit on editing posts. I find that the preview post utility is a godsend for me. I use the preview (there's an unlimited time restraint on it), read the post through and edit if I need to. Ten minutes to edit is normally enough to tweak my posts. Try preview, then edit if needed. Hope this helps.
    Maybe one of the admins can clarify further?
  3. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Hello icandoit :wave and welcome.... First off, when you post, you do have a 10 minute window to edit.. After that time-slot, the edit button is removed... Just something for forum safety....

    for your second question, post your screenshot in the "SOFTWARE" section, as there are a lot more eyes in there, and they are better versed to advise you there.... They will advise you what to do from there...

    Glad to have ya! ;)
  4. icandoit

    icandoit Private E-2

    Thanks for the replies joey and teecee.
    When I said edit I didn't necessarily mean put right mistakes, just add something else without moving the order of the posts or appearing to be jumping the queue. Also while I'm here, is there a way of viewing within these threads the order of posting instead of newest at the top.:confused
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  6. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Yup. Click on User CP (top left of page), in Settings & Options click on Edit Options, scroll down to Thread Display Options, in Thread Display Mode, click on Linear-Oldest/Newest First as preferred, go to bottom of page and Save Changes.

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