Another Newbie

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by lohmeier, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. lohmeier

    lohmeier Private E-2

    Hi All,

    Major thrilled to find this site. I sit at a computer too many hours a day because I have to, not because I think they're great fun. To me, they're a tool....well, I used to feel that way, but as I'm using them more and more, I'm starting to find some computer-geekness creeping into my brain. And I have such major admiration for people who love this world, know how it functions and mostly, are willing to share! I work with a lot of bright folks but they seem to want to keep their computer knowledge a big secret - I find myself begging people to help me with what I think is a major problem and being looked at like I'm not only the dimmest light in the chandelier, I'm not even turned on. Very discouraging.

    I found this site because I have a problem I now realize lots of folks do - my spell check in Word doesn't work. It catches punctuation and grammar, but not spelling. I've tried some directions a co-worker gave me which led to this site, then to tinyspeller. I followed his directions to the letter, but no go. Then I tried another set having to do with deleting the Word Key from Keycurrent users. No good there either.

    So, as I introduce myself, I'm also asking for help. FYI: I teach college biology and nutrition online and in the classroom. It's the nutrition class that's online and requires hundreds of hours (or at least it feels that way) seated right here. It's hard, but I feel like I'm creating a really good, comprehensive course. I have computer issues all the time, so once again, thank you folks for being here. Does anyone have another answer to this Word spelling problem?
  2. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and a very big welcome!:wave Hopefully you stick around and read and learn a lot. :-D Theres many great people here :grouphug that is always to help with anything and everything. Best free place you can go to IMO. Also I would suggest posting in the software section of this forum (for a faster proper response).
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  4. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    ....And A Warm Welcome
    Have a look around as you will find an assortment of goodies here for every ones liking and disliking :-D depending on your taste. One thing you Will find are friendly and very helpful people here. So don't be afraid to post any questions. Enjoy!
  5. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Hi and welcome to the forums ! :wave
  6. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG lohmeier:wave This is the bestest place for info! I am sure you will find what you are looking for. ;)
  7. lohmeier

    lohmeier Private E-2

    Hi T - thanks for the welcome. You said people could ask you questions, so here goes. I'm looking for the mysterious fix to Word Spell Check, so I posted that question.(I searched Word spell check yesterday and have tried every fix I found so far. None have worked.) :confusedWhen I got online today, I searched for my name, assuming that would be the easiest way to see if I had any suggestions. I did have 5 replies. When I clicked on the number (5) to read them, I got five names. Yeah! But, when I clicked on the names of you generous folks, I get your profiles, but nothing about what I asked - I feel like I'm not able to read the actual posts these 5 folks sent me - are they hidden under some button? Thanks!
  8. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Hello again.. Did you log in first? Once you are logged in, look at the top of the page, to the right, and click onto "subscribed threads" and that will take you to all the threads you posted in.. It is the fastest, of course. Also, you posted here and in the Software thread, and I did answer you there... ;) Here, try this link, and see how it goes:
    this is a stand alone spell check, and it should help you with word also... If not, give a holler in the Software thread, and we WILL find an answer for you! I use this one myself... Very nice, and not too big either, but very good! ;)
  9. cnrimgr1

    cnrimgr1 Private E-2

    hello i have been looking around and this is a BIG place you have here i am going to need a year or 3 to diagest all the GREAT info found here i am so happy to be a part of this great community

  10. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    And a warm welcome
    We're glad to have you. Let me correct you for a sec...This is the Best Big place around LOL.I would normally say have a look around but You're doing it and that's good. As far as the time bracket...rolleyes "Don't count on it" as soon as you think you're close they'll add more,which in my book is good.Anywho, don't be afraid to ask. and in the future be cautious of where you post making sure you don't hijack someone else post like this. But because you're newbe not a problem. It's like an old person ruleLOL, When you get old you can do something wrong and get away with it the first time because you're old, but after that they give ya a warning and then after that you are on you're on :-D
    But seriously Welcome to the best forum around .Enjoy your stay.
  11. cnrimgr1

    cnrimgr1 Private E-2

    lol at bigtrucks
    thanks for the warm welcome and i will look out for that mistake in the future
    thanks and i look foward to seeing you around ...

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