Audio driver issue, Emachines t2984 intel mb, d845gsvr , 82801db(ich4)

Discussion in 'Software' started by cmomm, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. cmomm

    cmomm Private E-2

    have no sound on my t2984 (just didn't come on couple of weeks ago)--driver detective is a ripoff as they cannot load Intel chipset drivers and I took the bait before knowing it (refused to pay them as ads are misleading)--audio syas no 'devices' so I am 'up the creek without the paddle'
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What Windows version are you using?

    Will guess at with age of PC that its Windows XP, and install the Intel Chipset Driver from HERE, then reboot and then install the AC97 Via Audio driver from HERE
  3. cmomm

    cmomm Private E-2

    did as you ordered---now I have a page a1u550 with of all kinds of info but no sound ??
  4. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    :wave Welcome to Major Geeks! :major

    I did some research and it appears that your PC was marketed with either the RealTek AC97 driver (available here) or the SoundMax AC97 driver (available here; scroll down to SoundMax). It's most likely the RealTek driver, but if that doesn't work, uninstall it and try the SoundMax driver.... install the chipset driver linked to above by Halo, reboot, then try the sound driver... good luck! Let us know how it goes!!!!

  5. cmomm

    cmomm Private E-2

    Installed both of the items that Halo wanted---No sound--went to 'control panel' then 'audio'---Volume tab says 'No Device' ???---is a sound driver the only problem I have here?----maybe a 'hammer' or 'stick of dynamite would be better---going to be away for several days----thanks for now

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