
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by natureboyrowe, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. natureboyrowe

    natureboyrowe Private E-2

    this was alwayss ource for me iin finding problems for friends now im looking around findiinmy own fix wish me uck
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.
  3. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome to the forum!:wave Hopefully you find what you need around here... A lot of stuff to read and learn as well.
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome..
  5. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Welcome to MGs

    Just post your problem in the appropriate place and help is forthcoming.
  6. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Good luck. ;)

    Welcome to MGs.
  7. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG natureboyrowe:wave Glad you could join us! :-D
  8. iwunderdownunder

    iwunderdownunder First Sergeant

    welcome to MG'S from down under and i hope you find the solution you are looking for,if not i am fairly sure someone here can help you out good luck.
  9. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Hi. I am new and tried to post in the other threads. It says I can't. I was trying to reply to the 'windows cannot access the device path or file' thread. I can't even DL MGTools, or Driver Scanner or SAS. Nothing. Avast, nothing. All I ever get is that message.
    Guys, could you please help me before I go 110% insane? T/y.
  10. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks,MissEllie.
    Was that thread in Malware or which other forum?
    Don't understand why you couldn't download.
  11. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Yes, it was in the Malware thread under 'windows cannot access the device, path or file, blah, blah.' I tried to reply and ask about my problems and it wouldn't allow me to. I cannot DL anything because of the message. I can't DL SAS, M/wbytes, avast, MGTools, driver scanner, etc, etc because of that message. I am getting to the panicky stage now.
    I was given this site on Sat by a friend in MS. I am so nervous.
    ( oh and thank you for the welcome, my friend. Makes me feel )
  12. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Just tried to DL SAS at this second and this time, the error is 1321 'Windows installer has insufficient privilege to modify this program.'
  13. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG Miss Ellie:wave If you posted in Malware, only the Malware people can reply there. All the other threads are fair game tho.

    From what I am hearing, you are trying to download something from the Malware thread, and it isn't going so good... OK, do not worry, I am sure someone from there will answer you. Have you tried the Software thread? Maybe some of those eyes can help you get it downloaded... There are a LOT more eyes there than here.;) Do not worry, do not panic, go to the software thread and post a question there, while you wait for an answer from the malware people.. They are the experts, and they will take care of you. Hang in there, OK? ;)

    PS: Did you do the READ AND RUN ME FIRST in the Malware thread? Give that a whirl, and see if any of it helps you.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  14. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Hi TeeCee. I have a friend called TeeCee back in Scotland. Are you female? She is.
    Anyways, I was trying to reply in this thread Re: Infected (Google search results redirecting) and cannot install Spybot, MGTools, as this si the problem I am having. I am so sick of it now. It's wearing me down. :cry:cry:cry

    BTW: What does 'the other threads are fair game' mean?
  15. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Hi Miss Ellie, Yup I is a girl alright! :dancer Now, about that thread, if that is in Malware, you cannot reply to it.. If you think you have Malware, go to the Malware thread, and at the top, click on the READ AND RUN ME FIRST. then, follow the instructions in that... Do not fall apart just yet now...

    I will look and see if I can find that thread you were looking at. Like I said, if it is in Malware, don't even try, nobody can reply to any of those posts except the Malware Experts... Not even me! rolleyes

    So, give the READ AND RUN ME FIRST a try, and see how that goes.. Once you do that, you can then post ONE time in the Malware, and they will get back to you... Just don't double post in that one, because it likes puts ya back to the end of the line, then you have to wait again...

    In the meantime, do the READ AND RUN ME FIRST then come on over to the software thread, and we'll see what else we can do. How does that sound? Hang on to those marbles, gal, you are going to need them! ;)

    Yes, that thread is in Malware, and you cannot reply to it, but you can create your own thread, just follow the READ AND RUN ME FIRST as it has all the instructions in it, and you can take it one step at a time... ;)

    Here is the link:
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  16. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Thanks so much TeeCee. :clap:clap

    I'll do that right now. I really appreciate this...

  17. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Hi Miss Ellie, I just posted a link for you, to get to it quicker ;)
    I hope all works out for ya! :clap :clap
  18. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Again, TeeCee. Thank you.

    After reading all the rules, read me's, etc, etc. I am now starting to stress out about posting on the wrong thread. I sure don't need additional stress with what I already have. They seem to be pretty strict on posting, spelling, structured sentences, grammar and I don't need all of this. Perhaps I should look for a less stress, less strict, less 'mature' site.
    I don't want to feel I am in the classroom and am gonna get detention for bad spelling mistakes or using bad grammar. Maybe this site is for more advanced people. I am between beginner - average.
    But thank you for your kindness.

    (OMG...did I spell everything okay?) :cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry
  19. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Yep. Fer shur big on spellin an sech thangs.
  20. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Miss Ellie, just take it one step at a time. We all started here as beginners... Still have some... If you are unsure as to what thread to post in, why not start in the Software thread? IF it turns out to be Malware, then you can move to that thread, but you have to start somewhere, and you will be fine.. Don't worry about the spelling. I have done that, and had a good laugh over it myself... They talk about spelling, because they need to know what your problems are... Let's start in software, OK? That will give you a better feel of things.. This site is just as much for beginners as it is advanced.. Don't feel put out by the rules, Miss Ellie... Sqelling isn't so baaad. :p

    In Malware, they need to understand what your problem is, and that is why the spelling is there... As far as the rest, don't stress yourself so. Just take it one step at a time... Go to Software, and create a post about your problems, and we will start there... Actually, this site is a LOT of fun, and you will learn a lot here.. And it will just sneak up on you, and next thing you know, you will say, "I did that?"

    No, you won't get banned, or get detention for spelling... Just don't type, " this right here doesn't work" ...... That is what they mean by spelling and grammar.. They have no idea where "this right here" is....rolleyes Pretty much basic common sense, Miss Ellie, hang in there. You too, will have fun here.;)
  21. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    Hahahaha, Hrlow...That is way too funny! :-o:-o

    I am sorry if I sounded like a Royal Pain in the Neck. But why is it that our PCs get our stomachs churning? I mean, it's only a thing, a material thing after all! :(

  22. MissEllie

    MissEllie Private E-2

    LoL...OMG! TeeCee. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for not taking an attitude with me! I was so lost last night, I didn't know which side was up. (lol) Phew, I feel more relaxed now. All is not lost after all. I have 50% of my 'sanity' back, girlfriend! :p
    Okay, I'll check out the software thread. I read so much in here last night, I feel I could not start my own class with it all! :-D
    Aaahhh, thank you Lord for good folks...t/y TeeCee.
  23. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    You just take it one step at a time, and you will be fine. No one here will hurry you, or belittle you. Good to know you still have some marbles left, I think you pushed it a little hard last night! Too much too quick.. Just take your time, post a thread in Software, and we'll take it from there;)

    You are very welcomed!:)
  24. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    welcome Miss Ellie TeeCee is a wonderful person and you are in the right place to get help. Don't be afraid to ask questions here or anywhere for that matter. That is one way of learning. It also helps other who don't know or understand things. So in reality you are learning and teaching at the same time. The peeps here are great and very helpful. Check out the rest of the forum and don't hesitate to reply in them Except the Malware forum as TC mentioned. only our best fighters can do that unless you have a thread started for help. And remember not to double post as it will only delay you on getting help.(dbl post=posting back to back)So have a look around and enjoy the place.

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