Why can't we help with the removal of malware?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by TheRealMethuselah, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. TheRealMethuselah

    TheRealMethuselah Private E-2

    I have tried to post in the malware section to help others, but I'm denied access. Don't you think it would be in the best interest of everyone, if someone who may have had the same issue and found a way to fix it, answered the questions?
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    At one time we allowed this. But it only led to confusion, and in some cases, broken systems. That is why we only allow authorized malware fighters to reply to this forum. :)
  3. TheRealMethuselah

    TheRealMethuselah Private E-2

    Disagreed with, but understood.
  4. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    But theres seriously people that think they know what there doing. And think these programs and this and that.. And ruin computers. Id be super pissed if someone that wasn't as great as these people that fix things now answer my post and busted my computer. And you'd be pretty suprise if you read some post by people and see what some people say or think and do.. to try to fix there stuff when there wrong. Also you have to show what you can do and usually showing what you have taken if any classes and etc.. and do some testing and usually start in software/hardware forum 1st then work your way to malware.
  5. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You have only a few posts here and are a new member. So far in reviewing some of those posts, I would appear as though you have some computer knowledge. Let me ask you this: If you came to a malware removal site, and someone with 6 posts responded to your issues, do you think you would trust them to know what they were doing?

    We can't do that. That is why we make sure that all the malware fighters are competent to give accurate advice. If you want to join the team, you may wish to hang in here for a while, show us how versed you are with various OS's and at some point, discuss this with Chaslang. :)
  6. TheRealMethuselah

    TheRealMethuselah Private E-2

    I am an MCP, A+, Network+ and Linux certified professional (SAIR GNU). I'm in the US Army as a 25B Computer Support Specialist, I have 22 years of hardware and software knowledge and just because I joined the forum today doesn't mean I am any less qualified to answer questions than someone who's been here months, or even years.

    I'd listen to anyone who could answer my query in a logical manner.
  7. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    We also look down on users that make snide remarks and bash other members. :major
  8. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Didn't say you weren't. What I am saying is that we have guidelines that we follow to help protect those coming to this site for help. Having an attitude at this point is really not an asset.
  9. TheRealMethuselah

    TheRealMethuselah Private E-2

    An attitude about what? Proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar? It's a pet peeve of mine that people write intelligibly so that we can actually understand a question or statement.
  10. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    The post you made criticizing silas's grammer for one.

    And I gave you the logical reason for our not allowing this.

  11. TheRealMethuselah

    TheRealMethuselah Private E-2

    I was content to end the conversation when I said:
    silas on the other hand wanted to add his "two cents" and I didn't need his condescension or his patronization so I commented on his grammar and punctuation; I'll move on.
  12. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Silas gave you a straight non-condescending answer. It was pretty much exactly what other long time members would have said.

    If you really wish to participate at this site, and maybe eventually be asked to help in the malware forum, then please continue helping in the forums that you have access to. We always welcome people with computer skills to help others with their issues.

    But do be respectful, please.
  13. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome therealmethueslah
    I hope you can stay long enough to really get to know the Peeps here. They really are a great bunch. As far as the grammar you'll get use to it but you have to consider that a lot of peeps here are not all English speaking sooo....it sometimes comes out as bad grammar. I have to use spell check on occasion myself:-orolleyes
    Have a look around and enjoy;)
  14. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    If you are in the Military, you should know about the chain of command and about SOP.
    The SOP here is ONLY people certified by Major Geeks and meet with their approval can respond in a very delicate situation.
  15. sdbett

    sdbett Private E-2

    Be gentle, I recieved a warning for leaving a door open. I started with "Supers" in the military during the mid-70s. ONLY today, I have been very politely reminded of protocol and whilst I am not a "Stepford wife", I will give good advice - When needed. However, I still see the need to give "Direct" advice when I know the full answer - Without conjecture (Or touching the registry). This can often seem difficult without - Also - Promoting 3rd party software - As well (Where's my vallium?).
  16. sdbett

    sdbett Private E-2

    good call!
  17. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    @ TheRealMethuselah

    This forum is over 7 years old and has maintained a very high standard of competence when it comes to help, the malware section has a number of very dedicated members who give freely of their time and expertise but each one of them have proved their competence before being allowed to post in that forum.

    We have a membership spanning all the continents but the site is run in english and all we ask is that the posters do their best, We fully understand that the syntax will not always be perfect even when people use machine translators,it would be very remiss if we were to criticize these members when some of the members whose mother tongue is english have trouble communicating, it would also unfair if i expected members to reply to me in Dutch.
  18. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    to sdbett
    I am also a former soldier and do know about following orders.
    Also know better than to question directions from a superior.
  19. sdbett

    sdbett Private E-2

    Not sure about this response. When I stated "supers", I was talking about super cooled computers. I also know and value orders as an Ex Aid to The (Then) C in C UK Air and Saceur.
  20. sdbett

    sdbett Private E-2

    Noted! I understand. However, I'm not sure why I should receive what looks like a "Tirade" in your last paragraph (Or - I'm I missing a point here?).

    I am only trying to lay some 30 years of I.T. experience - To help others.
  21. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    I put at the top of the post @ TheRealMethuselah

    So nothing was pointed at you.
  22. sdbett

    sdbett Private E-2

    Thank you - Now I'm not so nervous. However I need to point out that a lot of "Suggestions" for closure on I.T. issues, appear to be very "Techy" - When the answers are more easily solved. This is why I go back to my "Test bench" to try and mirror image the issues that users have (Given the information that they hand over). What I'm finding at the moment is that the "Users" are not aware of the way in which they should run their systems (A bit like buying a 'Caterham 7' car and finding the nearest tree when they "Put their foot down").

    Thanks and Regs,

  23. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I think this "Welcome" thread is done. :major

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