Retired Computer Business Owner Hello

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by DVDFrank, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. DVDFrank

    DVDFrank Private E-2

    I am retired now I had a computer business with a partner Tampa Bay Communications Inc St Petersburg,FL and Largo,Fl I am doing computer builds and upgrades under my own fedaral Tax ID I am A+ certifited I am trying to keep up with the learning curve I had brain tumor Surgery in June 2003 I am on SSDI and I am no longer able to work full time I am doing this to keep busy and have a little extra spending money I dont want to start another full time retail business I had enough 6 day a week years I was self emolyed for over 8 years after I graduated from college in Dec 1996. I get tried very easy now so this is just to keep my hand in something that I still enjoy but cant do full time anymore.I am doing this at my own pace I had the Tax ID from when I was doing contracting before I started the PC business with my partner. I used to go all the time now I have learned that I have to slow down a lot but I can still do system builds or repairs at my own pace. I still have to do a new web page so if any of you know of a free web page software maker let me know I remember Hotdog and Front Page but it put to much code in the pages and loaded slow. I built a web server and did web hosting while I was working at The Operating System of Florida I was the Senoir Technicain and web master there. There were companies and the Church I belonged to hosted their site with us as well as other companies I built the Windows NT server and set up everything except I did get help with the web probibcation of the IP addresses. After that the Server ran fine It was a AMD prosessor This was back in 1996 I think So it was a while back. I am still learning all the latest technology and I set up a few reseller vendors If You know of any web based vendors or Vendors in the Gainesville,Fl area or Jaxsonville,Fl which is only 50 miles from where I am here let me know. I had my Business in Tampa Bay so I dont have any contacts here now.

    Frank Duffey:-D
  2. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome and WOW you sure were a busy person. Looks like you still are some whatLOL As far as free vendors I haven't a clue but I'm sure some one will be along soon who does. You are in a great place and we appreciate all and any help you may volunteer. There is one place here at MG's that you can not reply in unless it is your own post and that is the Malware forums. If you want to help in that forum you have to contact one of our Admins and they can give you the details. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask and if you see a question you know the answer to PLEASE answer. We can use all the reliable help we can get:-D
    I see you aren't far from me.About 30 mins or so(depending on time of travel:eek) I'm sure you're going to like this place a lot. The great thing about it is it is open 24/7 8 days a week:p:-D
    Have a look around and enjoy the place.
  3. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG DVDFrank:wave Glad to have ya! Sounds like you enjoy computers for sure ;) Bigtrucks gave you some good advice. Have a look around, and if you can answer a question, go for it. There is no shortage of questions here;) Have a look around, and enjoy;)
  4. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome nickyrash
    You can find lots of free online classes/sites that will teach you. Just google
    free computer hardware class and start checking out the different sites. If you have any questions about computers you've come to the right place. Just ask the question and I'm sure someone can help you. Have a look around. In the future try not to post a different question in someone else thread. Just start a new thread of your own.;)
  5. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG DVDFrank :wave have a wander round and check things out for yourself ! Enjoy ! ;)
  6. DVDFrank

    DVDFrank Private E-2

    I decided to start a part time computer business I still had a Federal Tax ID number I had to get a Florida Resale tax ID Under Franks Computers to pay quarterly taxes and purchase at wholesale. I found a couple of vendors here in Florida. FM Computer Warehouse in Castlelberry,Fl and US Computer Corporation in Largo,Fl I am sure I will be able to set up accounts I have not used any of the Tampa Accounts in years but they do keep records for reference I can always call them and ask if I can get a account for online ordering I know Kaltech is a good vendor I used them for years. I used to deal with Kaltech in Tampa When I had the computer business in St. Petersburg,Fl I also did business with Sunnys computers in Tampa,Fl I have not contacted my old vendors I would rather have vendors I can drive to So That if I need something right away and I dont nave anything else to do I can drive there and deal with them face to face That Way I can get better deals on what they have in stock that they are trying to move out. I also found vendors online PC Market USA online. I look forward to talking to the people here Add ,me as a friend maybe we can talk you are not that far from me here in Gainesville,Fl. I have not done a web page yet I will deal with that later on.
    Frank Duffey
    Franks Computers
  7. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Hey DVDFrank
    I've heard my son speak of the FM Computer Warehouse and the Kaltech. I'm wanting to say that the Kaltech was a little more spoken in his conversations with friends then FM.
    Yeah I'm 30 mins.south as the crow flies from Gainesville. As a matter of fact I'm headed that way to see him tomorrow to pick up my CB for a trip. The last trip I took i didn't grab it. I really missed that radio on that trip.
    You'll love it here and the people are great here. Just find a forum that catches your interest and start posting. I'll definitely add you as a friend.
  8. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome to the forums :)
  9. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome..

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