New member

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by BOHUNTER, Dec 1, 2009.


    BOHUNTER Private E-2


    Im new because I have a problem and I need help.

    Im decent with understanding but this time im really confused. I have tried to post to get answers but Im blocked still so I figured may as well say help to get some!


    Ive read some on here and it aint looking good. My uncles business computer.. yeah you see why im here now! A young man who was here last week apparently checked his emails and downloaded something. Luckily I have a few days to try and save it for him.

    Ill wait to post in appropriate area!

  2. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG BOHUNTER :wave you need to be posting in the malware forum ! ;)
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom


    BOHUNTER Private E-2

    Thanks guys. If you read my post it clearly states " Ill wait and post in the appropriate area!" LOL I just can't! I'm still blocked or limited or whatever access to post in that area or I would complete the section. Maybe I can help with issues too, just not gonna be much on computer stuff! LOL

    Appreciate the welcome, as soon as I can post I will. I'm blocked still. Steve
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Are you trying to post in someone elses thread? or is this a new thread of your own?

    If someone elses thread you cannot post in it, in the malware forum area (other areas are ok) as its best as you will agree to have dedicated help and no distractions from others issues as it can confuse the user with a fix that may not be for them but the other user.

    If its a new thread you created then did you follow the Read and Run me guide and attach the requested logs? as inline logs posted in the body of the post will end up moderated as we prefer them attached.

    An over use of ....... or !!!!!! or multiple smilies may also send your post/thread to moderation, so try and refrain from using especially.... between.... your text.... in..... a...... paragraph.

    Also if attaching or clicking any of the links to downloads in the malware forum especially, when logging in click the "remember me" box.

    BOHUNTER Private E-2

    Yes I read the Read and Run Me section. Of course it was after I tries to post and made a statement here!

    I'm on Blackberry now so when I get back in I will post what's going on. From the Worm.win32.NetSky topic from someone else I see trouble! LOL

    Thanks again you all are rite on top of it so far. Thanks Steve

    BOHUNTER Private E-2

    Since it is sensitive material involved I just took it to the Shop. I don't want to take a chance and do something wrong or miss a step and lose material which could have been avoided or saved. Ill be back when its finished to upload some security, The reason it wasn't secure is "the peachtree program wouldn't load while software was activated for protection" Just add it as safe and it qill open but you can't explain technology to cavemen! LOL

    Ill be back later, just too important for me to figure out, something in Bios Probably.

  8. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG BOHUNTER:wave Glad to have ya!;)

    BOHUNTER Private E-2

    Re: New member/ PROBLEM FIXED

    I was contacted today and told that the files are backed up, the problem is corruption of the Microsoft Windows and even though the files are saved the hard drive, which is good, will need to wiped and Windows reinstalled meaning losing the programs associated.... only 2 so Im glad to hear this news also.

    Installed new Windows and AVG Pro. Maybe the Secretary will understand the Anti Virus can be told which programs are good so it will not ever be shut off again!

    Appreciate all the immediate help. I will make sure others know of your services.

    Do you have a donation link?

  10. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Steve

    glad all is sorted with that PC, we don't have a donation link but you could always buy a cap or t-shirt from the Majorgeeks store here but also just refering friends and colleagues to rhe site as well as answering tech suport question you know the answer too is also good as it's just like donating time.
  11. flip22

    flip22 Private E-2

    Re: New member - how to post


    I am a new user here. I have a red screen and I want to post for help. Would you please tell me how? I have read FAQ and other sections.

    Thank you
  12. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Re: New member - how to post

    Hi. :) Start a New thread in the Software Forum and give as much information as possible about your problem and when it occurs. Please also give you computer info such as what operating system you are using (ie. XP, Vista, etc) and other specs such as RAM.

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