Worship of Geeks

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by LauraleaWOG, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. LauraleaWOG

    LauraleaWOG Private E-2

    Hello I'm new to the forum, I have come with great issues LOL, i will post them in the appropriate place. I just wanted to introduce myself , 40 year old mom , got my first computer at radio shack around 1986 not sure , commadore 64 :-D I know a lot all self taught. But alas , I'm old now and at a loss. Memories not the best either, years of abuse of it. I worship the geeks here, as they have helped me many times, although they never knew it. Thanks guys, off to find the appropriate place to post my major issue , LauraleaWOG
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome to the forum

    I get that oldtimers disease from time to time, mmmmm ok who am I again and where am I!?

    Glad you like the forum and the help given

  3. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG :wave Laura nice to hear that you have been here before, hope you stay around longer, commadore 64 :-D 1986 ! thats like a million years ago ! Phheeeeeww ! :-D
  4. LauraleaWOG

    LauraleaWOG Private E-2

    Im needed elsewhere , but will be back later to spew my issues, thanks for the welcome lol yes i feel like a dinosaur:p
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    If you feel like a dinosaur then I'm extinct as I'm 4yrs older than you :(

    Commadore 64, think I still have one of those and an Amiga in the loft.
  6. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.

    to Halo.
    If extinct at 44, what are the rest of us that are older than that?
    I'm upper 50's and still young compared to others here.
  7. LauraleaWOG

    LauraleaWOG Private E-2

    WOW I feel 40yrs young;) Im gonna follow the "todo's" here , before I totally spew, but after 16 hours of making a situation worse, I hope i can follow direction hehe
  8. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Just take it slow and easy. We "dinosaurs" do.
  9. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG LauraleaWOG:wave Glad to have you, just take it one step at a time, and you will get all the help you need.. Plus, we won't byte! ;)
  10. iwunderdownunder

    iwunderdownunder First Sergeant

    g'day and welcome to MG'S you will find the are lots of people here with an abundance of knowledge to share and assist you with what ever you need.
  11. blatherbeard

    blatherbeard Specialist

    Well as a 40 year old dad who had all those pc's and a TI 99/4A complete with Tape drive, i bid you WELCOME!
  12. Engineer

    Engineer Guest

    Welcome to the forum.. I am 19 :-D

    Hope you have a great time here...
  13. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    to Engineer:p on your 19.
    I could roll back twice that and still be older than you,you little cub.;)

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