hello friends from matrix

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by matrixvipin, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. matrixvipin

    matrixvipin Private E-2

    Hi geek friends:wave

    When will I be intelligent like you guys.:cry


  2. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG matrixvipin:wave Glad you could join us! To answer your question, how much time do you have? :-D Seriously, just read , read, read, and above all, if you have any questions, just ask, and you will learn a LOT here :) Enjoy!;)
  3. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.

    When you learn to watch what you download and practice safe surfing.:-D

    Actually, takes a lot of studying and experience. There will most likely be some bad spots along the way, but learning from them is what learning is all about.
  4. matrixvipin

    matrixvipin Private E-2

    Yes life journey is full of experience.

    Thanks TeeCee and hrlow2.
  5. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Yup TC, I read everything, even if I didn't know what was being talked about I still read it. Here I am 8 years later and answering questions too, who would have thunk it? :-D

    Welcome aboard matrix.:)

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