Well, I'm here because !!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by pepsi100, May 7, 2010.

  1. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    Well, hello everyone, after browseing these forums for ages, I thought it was time I joined up (I guess like most people in here, I have a hardware/software problem)

    I know a bit about PC's and laptops, but a lot more about plumbing:-D (I have a big bag of advice on that, all FREE :) )

    I have retired now, but like to think I'm still active and nothing is slowing down too fast

    So If I can help any one out, post a question or send me a PM, I'll do me best :)
  2. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    Hi pepsi100 (may I assume it's because you like to drink pepsi? LOL)

    This is a wonderful place with a wealth of information at your fingertips. We are a friendly bunch and help however we can.

    Hop on over to the Lounge for some chit-chat or feel free to peruse the other forums. The only forum you can not answer questions to is the Malware forum, only trained, authorized malware fighter can answer those posts (and we have the best, imo) Either way, enjoy your stay and welcome to MG's :wave
  3. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks Pepsi100! :wave
  4. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.

    I get my caffeine from coffee(strong and black).
    If cola is the choice, hand me a Coke.
    ( think I'll get a free case for mentioning them?)
  5. ShelaghRoyale

    ShelaghRoyale Sergeant

    [​IMG] to MajorGeeks Pepsi100 .

    Shelagh :)
  6. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    Nope, it was my dogs name, I get my caffeine from pots and pots of proper coffee ;)
  7. brandypeppy

    brandypeppy MajorGeek

    Welcome Pepsi!!

    Retired plumber?

    May hit you up with some questions from time to time. :wave:wave:wave
  8. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    Got a big bag of advice, all free (as long as its online, home visits COST;) )

    All it takes is an email or a PM:)
  9. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    What a silly way to choose a screen name. :-D
  10. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    Good, because pepsi sucks LOL (don't tell anyone I said that [​IMG] )

    You're one to talk :p :-D
  11. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    It seemed as good a way than any other, I could have used my street name, my Army rank, some twerp name, but I liked my dog:) and I thought it was a good way to remember her (and its also in response to Coke, I dont drink it and I dont shove it up my nose :) )
  12. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Bwuahahahaha! Silly.:-D

    Welcome aboard pepsi.:) Don't worry about Fred_G, here boy come here! That's his dawg.:)

    Yes, a nice way to remember a loved pet.:)
  13. brandypeppy

    brandypeppy MajorGeek


    A really ridiclulous to pick a name for yourself.

    In my case, it is only pure coincidence that I had two dogs once, one was named Brandy, the other happened to be called Peppy!

    Pure coincidence! :-D:-D:-D
  14. dashofginger

    dashofginger Private E-2

    New here and can use help. Question I have, my PC tells me that floppy in a:/ drive is not formatted and I know there are files on it. What can the issue be? Can anyone help?
  15. dashofginger

    dashofginger Private E-2

    New here and can use help. Question I have, my PC tells me that floppy in a:/ drive is not formatted and I know there are files on it. What can the issue be? Can anyone help?
  16. dashofginger

    dashofginger Private E-2

    New here and can use help. Question I have, my PC tells me that floppy in a:/ drive is not formatted and I know there are files on it. What can the issue be? Can anyone help?
  17. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    3 posts in 9 minutes? All saying the same thing?
    Not a very good start or way to boost your post count.
  18. abz1nthe

    abz1nthe Command Sergeant Major

    dash you can start by creating your own thread instead of hijacking others :p

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