OCTOGENARIAN ~ Graphic Designer

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by katloverlynn, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    Having a go at using your site ~ hope for good things here, Lynn
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    We seems as if you are going ok giving the site a go, I would suggest a different font colour though as that one is one of the harder ones to read ( my eyes have gone fuzzy ;) )

    Just curious, what made you join the forum in January (dont need to answer) but just a question I have long been wanting to ask someone who joins then doesnt post till months or years later, I'm just curious.

  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome to MGs, Lynn. :)

    I'd definitely do as Halo suggested and try a different font. ;)
  4. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    Thank you for your nice comments ~ had a gander at your photography site, its lovely, Hugz, Lynn
  5. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    Your curiosity is well founded.

    I had a stroke about 2 years ago, I use MS OUTLOOK and it is a constant fight to figure out the settings; in addition, I think I am the only person who uses it lol.

    I am also hoping to use your help in many areas; I hope you have lots of patience ~ Hugz, Lynn

    PS: How do I use an avitar?
  6. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Why thank you. :) You are very kind.

    I use Outlook. :) If you do have any questions on that, someone should be able to help you. Just post away in the Software forum.

    As far as the Avatar:

    At the top of the page, in the dark green row, click on 'User CP'

    Under Settings and Options on the left hand side you will see 'Edit Avatar'. You can either go through the options offered by the site under 'Predefined Standard Avatars' and pick one of those, or you can choose to use a custom avatar you find online (enter the web address of the picture you want to use) or on your computer (click on browse and find the picture you want). Click on Save Changes when done.

    Just take note of this: "Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 7.8 KB (whichever is smaller). " It will not allow you to go bigger.

    If you choose to also change your profile picture, that should be a photo of you. No one is allowed to use that for anything else.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  7. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    I'd like to have a custom avitar
    I measured 64 x 64 and I ticked 'custom'
    Still couldn't get it to work

    Hugz, nn
  8. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Are you using a photo from your computer?

    Even if it's 64X64, it must be smaller than 7.8 KB

    When you click to save changes, what does it say?
  9. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    Yes, I am using a photo from my computer
    Size is 64 x 64, but don't know the kb
    message says 'invalid'

    Can I send screenshots?
  10. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, you can post a screenshot, but I think it's probably because it's still larger than 7.8KB. If you right click on the image, you should be able to see how big the file size is.

    Do you have software that can resize your image?
  11. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    A quick note, I tire easily, be back with you tomorrow ~ Hugz, Lynn
  12. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hey Lynn I use Outlook 2007 in work and 2010 at home, so a very avid user of Outlook but I do also use Windows Live Mail and Thunderbird, depends what PC I'm on as I use multiple Windows and Linux Operating Systems. So do start a thread in the software forum if you need hints and tips on Outlook.

    As for the Avatar, well if you have issues I have just PM (Private Messaged) you with my email address that you can send me the image too and I will try and convert it and add it to your account if you wish? (sadly you dont have the required number of posts to reply to me in PM but use my email address)
  13. katloverlynn

    katloverlynn Private E-2

    How do start a new thread, seems I've looked every where.

    I need lots of help David, thanks for the private message offer if I can find it.

    As I said I'm stroke challenged so I pray you have lots of patience

    Here is one of many problems I have in MS 2007

    Attached Files:

  14. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Well Lynn

    Starting a new thread AKA a question is easyish, just follow the information HERE and then pick the coretc forum area that covers that area, in that say Outlook issues would be Software.

    Pop your question into the software forum an add, Windows version and Office version plus the error and issue and no doubt one of us will be able to help you , Welcome Center is just a place to say HI and HELLO, not many of those that can answer you frequent this area.

    as for PM just reply to my email address in the PM and I will help you as much as I can.

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