I reckon I'm new here;)

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Mrs_Constantinople, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Mrs_Constantinople

    Mrs_Constantinople Private E-2

    Hello folks:-D

    I've been looking up stuff with regards to my computer and have come across this site a number of times. I like the feel of this site as there are well-informed answers and helpful folks-which as can be imagined always helps:)

    Anyhow I am more or less a novice when it comes to computers and software and stuff (hey we all gotta start somewhere and we were all beginners at some point in our life) but would love to learn more and love to find out more about my computer etc.
    I'd probably get cracking as I got an issue or two with the comp at the moment!

    Anyhow look forward to hearing from folks around here.

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's. Hang around and ask any questions that you have. We will be more than welcome to help you with any issues you have.
  3. ShelaghRoyale

    ShelaghRoyale Sergeant

    [​IMG] to MajorGeeks !

    Shelagh :)
  4. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Welcome to MGs! :)

    Yep, we were all beginners at one point, and I think most of us who are regulars here now found this place because we were beginners and needed help. Stick around, and by all means start threads about your issues in the appropriate forums. We'll help you out, that's what we do. :)
  5. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Another welcome to Major Geeks.
    You've come to the right place.
    I myself came looking for answers as a guest,lurked around a bit and liked what I saw.
    Finally took the plunge,registered, and here we are.
    No regrets on my part.
  6. Mrs_Constantinople

    Mrs_Constantinople Private E-2

    Thanks a lot guys for the welcome:)

    Sorry if I ask some pretty basic questions but it will be great to learn more about such a fascinating subject.

    Once I get the basics sorted out/explained I guess I will progress to a higher level:)

    Thanks again folks.

  7. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You are quite welcome. I hope you have checked the replies to your thread in the software forum. ;)
  8. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Whoa there. Never, ever apologize for making an effort to learn. You're researching something you're new to. If you already knew everything about it you wouldn't need to ask in the first place. ;)

    And you're right, if you don't start with the basics and learn them first, you won't be able to learn the more complex stuff later. Take your time. :)
  9. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome to the forum:wave Like many said we all came here for our own help and stuck around due to it being such a great place and people as well that makes it what it is today. Another thing is don't ever need to say sorry or feel "dumb" or embarrassed when coming to help with computers or anything else. You took bigger step and signed up and now here. Many just stays guest and hope to get help and answers by threads.. but really you just need to post and ask yourself.
  10. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Very true, especially about malware.
    What is prescribed for one persons machine may well not be what is needed on somebody elses.
    Could have some bad results.
  11. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Same myself H, so :wave to MG Mrs_Constantinople

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