I'm new here

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Baxter Stockman, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    Hey all.

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm James aka Baxter Stockman.

    I'm from Montana. Married to an Elementary School teacher. I went college as a double major. Mass Communications and Communication Arts. (Photography & Graphic Design) I've done ads for a while, and I refuse to do portraits or weddings. But all the while through college I worked in the on-campus Tech Department for the faculty and the students. That job has led me to a career. The experience was all I needed.
    I currently work as a Computer Technician. I plan to get a website up to start selling my photography. I've had a few photo shows and have sold quite a few pieces.

    I'm a huge Ninja Turtle fan. (the classics) I even have a Donatello tattoo on my right arm. I may eventually get a Baxter Stockman one since he was Donatello's evil counterpart. :-D

    I've been planning on joining a tech forum for a long time. I wasn't sure which one. I only plan on dedicating my time to one site, so the decision had to be taken seriously.
    After long consideration, I decided on majorgeeks. I'm already loving it.

    I figured I'd do this, since you'll be seeing a lot of my face around here.

    tldr: New here, ninja turtles, sticking around
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome. :)

    Good to have you here. Do you do any specific type of photography? I've just started getting into it myself in the last year or two. :)
  3. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    I do basically everything except portraits.

    I've been doing a lot of Frescos lately. It is an alternative of putting a photo onto this marble compound while it is wet.
    I am particularly good at HDR photography.
  4. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, Baxter Stockman.

    Welcome aboard!

    I'm also married to a teacher/reading consultant/ESL instructor (and my parents were teachers), so I know what it's like to live in an educational environment - loads of work, lots of heartache, no money, but much satisfaction.

    Noticed you've been pitching in around the Support Forums - keep up the good work!

  5. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Do you use HDR software or just merge images using photoshop or lightroom or something? I'd love to get into that. Just another thing I want to learn, but haven't had the time. I've merged images together, but nothing has really turned out well for me.

    I'm not big on portraits either. The worst is when we go on vacation and most of my shots are of things other than my family. :-D
  6. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    I use other software. Photoshop is good for making panoramas and editing the photo. But for HDR it doesn't do anything.
  7. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Nah, you can create HDR using Photoshop and shooting in RAW and bracketing. I just haven't tried to do much with it. I know people who use it and do great HDR. I think you need something else though (or a plug-in) if you want the more surreal looking HDR.
  8. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    Haha. Sarcasm and text doesn't work so well.

    Photoshop can do HDR, it just doesn't do it well. The capabilities of it are far more limited. Programs dedicated to HDR are much better.

    Trust me. I did my senior project and portfolio dedicated to HDR.
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Sarcasm by whom? I wasn't being sarcastic. Were you? I was actually genuinely interested since Photography interests me.

    I respectfully disagree that it doesn't do it well. I've seen it done very well with Photoshop. I think it depends on what type of effect you are looking for and I'm sure the dedicated software for HDR gives you a much more dramatic effect, with more controls and options and is most likely a hell of a lot easier.

    Again, I'm going by what I've seen of other's stuff.
  10. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    Sarcasm by me. I said photoshop doesn't do anything. Well it does. It just sucks compared to dedicated software.
  11. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Why don't you two get a (Dark)room!!! :-D:-D
  12. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    excellent pun. :-D
  13. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    That was very clever, Tim. I can come up with nothing better than :p. LOL

    We are in agreement about something!
  14. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    That's cause I was a Pro photographer for a number of years. Old school. :-D
  15. Tonyrush

    Tonyrush Corporal

    I'd like to offer a big welcome to MG! I hope you enjoy yourself.
  16. Baxter Stockman

    Baxter Stockman Private First Class

    I'm already having a good time. My job has a lot of down time waiting for scans to complete or computers to load.

    I've always wanted to join a tech site. Since I'm frequently directed towards them when searching google. I finally decided to contribute. :-D

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