XP Total Security

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by kellertwigg, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. kellertwigg

    kellertwigg Private E-2

    How do I remove this?!! I am not a computer wiz but have a good head on my shoulders and would welcome any help...soon!
  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, kellertwigg, and welcome aboard.

    There is a fairly straightforward XP Total Security removal process listed at eHow.com. I advise going through that process, see if you can manually remove the malware.

    If, however, that doesn't do the trick, or if you feel that the scope of that procedure is too tough to tackle, then I suggest you go through the Malware Forum's Read & Run Me First thread, perform all of the suggested steps, and attach the requested logs to a new thread in that forum.

    Good luck! :major
  3. kellertwigg

    kellertwigg Private E-2

    eHow had nice instructions but they didn't work for me.

    I do not have "av.exe" in my processes and that was the first step.

    Any other ideas for how to get rid of the XP Total Security mess??
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Please do the READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide then when you have the requested log, start a thread in the malware forum and attach those logs.

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