E-mail is banned, no majorgeeks support forum?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Blacktop Roland, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. Blacktop Roland

    Blacktop Roland Private First Class

    With all the different support forums, there's no Majorgeeks specific forum?

    After a long hiatus in the Army, I'm finally getting back into geeking again, working as desktop support at a small tech company. I couldn't remember my old password, so I went through password reset. After resetting and attempting to make a new password, I got "Your e-mail is banned....If you think this an error, contact an administrator (link)". When I click the link, it brings me to the "We like buttons" part of the "About Us" page (The "Contact us" link at the bottom does the same). Can someone hook me up with an admin?

    On a sort of related note, at the bottom of that page there is some text I believe shouldn't be there: right above your facebook and twitter like buttons, there is a line that reads "the file I want to line up with is here....", and at the very bottom of the page is a line that reads "the rest fo the text is here....". I'm browsing in Interent Explorer.

    Thansk for the assist, and keep up the good work, guys!
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello and welcome back.:)

    I'm not sure what you are referring to. A forum for forum issues? The welcome forum or the lounge are fine for those.

    Again...I'm a bit confused as you are on the forum and were able to log in, so you must have the password. If your email were banned, you would not be able to access your account on here. Are you sure you are using the correct email address? Let me know if you would like me to PM the email you have your username registered under.

    Are you talking about this page?: http://www.majorgeeks.com/page.php?id=2

    If you look, the owners email addresses are there for contact info. I do see the box down at the bottom. That looks like broken code or a picture file and shouldn't be there. Thank you.
  3. Blacktop Roland

    Blacktop Roland Private First Class

    Thanks Laura.

    Yes, I am able to log in, but whenever I try to change my password from the automated string they give you in the e-mail response, I get "Your e-mail has been banned. Please contact an administrator if you think this is a mistake", so I can't change my password from the generated one. I'm not saying it makes any sense; that's just what happens.

    It's the e-mail that the e-mail reset message got sent to, so I'm fairly sure it's the correct one. Just for funsies though, please PM my e-mail.

    And yes, that is the page I am talking about. The owners e-mails are on there, but the Army beat it into me to solve problems at the lowest level possible, so I didn't want to jump to the top of the chain for a bizarre little issue. Appreciate the help.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2011
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    Okay...I'm going to send you the email address you have your account registered under.

    Just out of curiosity to make sure something wasn't broken, I used my test account and both recovered my password and changed it using the Change password function. Both worked properly. My only thought is that you tried to enter the incorrect password too many times?

    Once I send you the email and you make sure it is the one you are trying to use, let me know if you want me to change it to an alternative email that you may have and I can change your account and put in the new email.

    I can also change your password to one you tell me, but I'd prefer not to use that option if you can't change it yourself.
  5. Blacktop Roland

    Blacktop Roland Private First Class

    Got the message. Still getting the banned message when I try to change my password, but I might as well leave it in place and just continue to use the randomly generated password; I'll memorize it before long anyway. Thanks for the help.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Cannot see anything wrong with your account, so may be worth checking you version of IE and is it the latest available for your OS?

    Clear temps and cookies (can use CCleaner for that), but do this with the browser closed, as a corrupted cookie or temp file could cause issues. Also try a different browser and see if its the same, as in Firefox, Opera or Safari.

    Update your Adobe Flash and Sun Java as well, I doubt they will be the cause, but well never know as you are having issues with some buttons and they could be caused by a browser add-on issue as in the aforementioned.
  7. SWario

    SWario Sergeant

    I also just had this happen to me just now using Firefox 9.0.1 on Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2. The same thing also happens using IE9 and Chrome 16.0.912.63 beta-m.

    I went to the Edit Email & Password page to change my password. I entered my current password, my new password in both boxes, left my (already-filled-in) email address in both email boxes, clicked "Save Changes", and got this message. I've attached a cropped screenshot of the Edit Email & Password page and the error page. The hyperlink for "here" on the error page points to http://www.majorgeeks.com/page2.html. Does the forum software ban certain email domains from being used for accounts now?

    Also, the Edit Email & Password page states "Edit Email Address (Optional)", but when I omit the values from the Email Address fields, I get another error stating:
    Shouldn't the email fields be optional if both are blank? I've also attached a cropped screenshot of that page.

    Sorry if hopping in on this thread is bad etiquette, but I didn't see a rule regarding it for this sub-forum.

    Attached Files:

  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Are you both using a Hotmail address? if so and you have a different one than Hotmail can you try that in the Email and Password change boxes to see if it works?

    The software shouldn't ban any domains automatically, we may ban specific spam email domains, but the likes of Hotmail, Gmail etc you couldn't ban, way too many folk use them.

    In a little test just now, I seem to have it that its the @hotmail.com address as @gmail.com and @live.com work ok, so you'll have to leave this one with us for now while its looked into.

    I would advise anyone to not start testing their email address in the Change Email and Password section of the User Control Panel as it may put you into this weird issue.
  9. SWario

    SWario Sergeant

    Yes, I am using a hotmail.com address. When I use a gmail.com address, it works fine. However, when I try to switch back to my hotmail.com address, it results in the same problem.
  10. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi. Can you check now as Manor Attitude, one of the owners, adjusted a setting.
  11. SWario

    SWario Sergeant

    Seems to be working now. Though the email field is still set as "required" in the code somewhere. If I omit an email address, I still get this:
    But at least now I can update my password while having a hotmail address.

  12. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    This looks like a setting that is a default as I have the same thing on email listed in the boxes you mention in my forum account on the maker vBulletin's forum.

    At least the weird issue on emails has been resolved.

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