Constantly getting corrupt source files while installing

Discussion in 'Software' started by jinny1, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2

    Dear Majorgeek,

    I hoped that i wouldn't have to look for help but it seems i have to.

    Lately almost every game/software etc i try to install gets the following message:

    an error occurred while trying to copy a file
    the source file is corrupted

    This is especially happening when i try to install something via a cd/dvd or via an iso (mounting the iso via software) (2 images are added in this post with the issue)

    i tried nearly everything to find out what it is. I know for sure it isn't the cd's/dvd's or iso's because they all worked in the past. I have no clue what to do from here and I hope maybe someone here does have.

    I originally thought this problem was coming from WinRar because I would get corrupted file warnings on perfectly normal looking archives and i even reinstalled winrar 4.20 64bit.

    my specs:

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    Intel i5 3570K
    8GB DDR3 Ram
    Palit GTX670
    ASrock Z77 Pro3

    ESET Smart Security 5

    Any help is deeply appreciated

    Attached Files:

  2. _nullptr

    _nullptr Major Geeky Geek Geek

    For troubleshooting purpose, right click the ESET tray icon and select 'Block Network' then select 'Temporarily disable protection'. See if the issue persists.
    Don't forget to re-enable ESET protections when finished.
  3. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2

    Sorry still getting errors.

    Even tried completely disabling firewall and antivirus/spyware protection
  4. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Likely what ever source your downloading from has corrupt files. Try using original cd's not iso's. The winrar being in another language other then english confuses me as well. Are you using a pirated version of winrar? Please let me know if im wrong, but that may cause many issues with file corruption on downloaded files.
  5. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2

    but it happens for all things wehn i install.

    what do you mean winrar being different language?? i use the english 64 bit version.

    and winrar is free to use for me
  6. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  7. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2

    Did a full diskchk, no problems found -.-
  8. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2


    I basically can't install anything anymore now. even windows 8

    Attached Files:

    • asd.png
      File size:
      56.1 KB
  9. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Test your memory. Download the bootable iso file. You will have to burn it will Imgburn or other software that can burn a bootable iso image. Boot the CD and let it run for 7 passes.
  10. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2

  11. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Not good, but are you testing each ram stick on its own? so if you have say 4x2GB sticks to make up your 8GB, then test each one individually to see what ones fails.

    Just out of curiosity, what software do you have starting with your PC, can check this with MSCONFIG and the Startup tab.

    This issue only happens when installing software or does it happen with updates to software as in say Anti-virus or Windows updates?
  12. jinny1

    jinny1 Private E-2

    hmmm only one stick fails the test, so i removed the broken one :)

    MSCONFIG only has ESET smart security to maximise startup speed :)

    Only happens when installing software and i got regular BSODs out of the blue. I'll see taking the broken stick out fixes it

    thank you

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