Firefox use hardware acceleration when available

Discussion in 'Software' started by Goldenskull, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Goldenskull

    Goldenskull I can't follow the rules

    This option in firefox seems to slow it down a lot of times If you seem to see that your Browser is loading pages really slowly and when it should not.Turn off this option in firefox.

    use hardware acceleration when available This will slow the web browser in the newer versions of firefox.I am finding that the use hardware acceleration when available is harming the loading page speed.It may not for some people but for others like me it is.

    I have a 10mb download and a 5mb upload speed so there should be no reason way my computer should take 5mins too load a web page.When i disabled this option it loaded all of my pages in like a sec.

    Here is how to disable it.
    In firefox Go to Tools
    Then Options
    Then click on advance
    Then in General options look for use hardware acceleration when available and un-tick it then restart browser.

    Hope this helps.
  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Old info, nothing to see here.
  3. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    Why would Hardware Acceleration in any way influence loading of a web page?
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    It affects the rendering of the webpages. There has been issues reported on previous versions of FF, regarding Hardware acceleration, due to some GPU's driver software cave when it is enabled.
  5. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    I see... In that case updating the graphics drivers may more effectively fix the problem instead of disabling HA.
  6. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Nope, still will not fix the issue with the Hardware rendering & FF. I just leave it enabled, due to it has never caused any issues with my Netbook, same with our desktop. There are some machines out there that just gag with FF.
  7. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    I don't like Firefox myself it has become very slow and sometimes unresponsive. My main love is now with Opera 12.11 very fast and secure got a few addons added to it but still not slowed the browser down.
  8. cipher

    cipher Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I've seen disabling Hardware Acceleration dramatically improve page render speeds on some machines myself. Even with the latest drivers. Disabling it doesn't seem to start a cascade of other problems, so, IMO, it seems a good fix for some hardware...
  9. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Let's take a look at what FX is seeing/using for your gfx card: (Alt) > Help > Troubleshooting information (about:support), copy/paste the section for Graphics here please.
  10. Goldenskull

    Goldenskull I can't follow the rules

    See that is the funny thing on that i have the latest driver for my video card.310.54Beta and it is still running sluggish.So it can not be the drivers well may be be cause it is the beta version i guess.

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