Beyond lost computer user saying hi.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ccn, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Hi folks, there really is no way to put into words how atrocious a computer user i am . I can honestly say if i can figure out how to get past the login screen i'm extremely happy, for me thats major progress:clap

    I'm putting my stellar skills to good use though because i have already managed to unknowingly bump my inquiry for malware removal help, to according to my calculations, sometime in late August .

    I can wait, i broke the rules, it will give me time to figure out the best way to circumvent the login screen, and then down the line tackle E mail.

    Oh, by the way i don't consider myself a Nerd , i'm more of a rock n roll 70's 80's burnout type (but not burnt out) thats if i had to label myself (i hope thats acceptable) , Geek definitely not, not that theres anything wrong with being a Geek, woman go crazy for em.
  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, ccn, and welcome to MajorGeeks...

    Be patient with the Malware Removal gurus - they've got a lot on their plates, but as a group they're the best (and the most cost effective) I've seen and I've been doing this a long time...

    Looks like you'll fit right in - glad to have you onboard. ;)
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello. I looked at your malware thread and you have not attached your logs.

    You will need those in order for them to proceed.

    To do so:

    Click on the Reply button in your thread
    In the reply box, you will see a number of icons on top. Click the one that looks like a paper clip (to the right of the smiley).
    A box will pop up
    'Browse' to find each of the logs that were asked for.
    Hit the Upload button. Once you have completed that, you can close out of that box.
    Submit your reply.
    Your logs should be attached.
  4. mvp4him3

    mvp4him3 Private E-2

    Lol I was going to type this when I saw you beat me to it. Thank God I read the rest of replys before replying myself. Anyway good to have you part of this forum and patience is key.
  5. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Thanks everybody, i have no issue with waiting, i screwed up .

    Appreciate the warm welcome.
  6. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Oh, if anyone knows if the adobe flash download is safe let me know because everytime i try to download it my anti virus spits out messages saying this file is new and not trustworthy.

    What version is the safe one, thanks
  7. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, it's safe to install:

    Just uncheck the McAfee box.

    What AV are you using that is warning you about it?

    You Must attach your logs the way I specified or you will not get help. They need those to view what malware is on your computer. Kestrel has also instructed you that you need to post your logs.
  8. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Thanks Laura, i attached my logs in the malware remover thread and when ever someone can look it over thats fine.
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I saw you figured it out.:)

    Now they will be able to start working on it when you come up in the queue.
  10. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    I didn't want to respond to my post in the malware thread because i'll be starting out at the bottom again but the person who was helping me believes my problem is fixed but i am having major issues with connecting to the net.

    Here is what keeps popping up.

    I just noticed when i finally was able to get back to this page i see the exact program in a pop up which happens to be the exact program that gave me my previous Trojan issue (which Kaspersky claims to have rectified )but now i 'm not so sure. That program was REIMAGE.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  11. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Can someone tell me how to add files to my old post in the malware removal forum without bumping my post.

    I had to start fresh and i did everything over again and i attached all my logs in my old post but my options are preview or submit.

    It would help in explaining how to do this without bumping because your "how to attach files thread " is confusing and doesn't tell you how to add without bumping.
  12. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Sadly you cannot do what you wish in not bumping your post, BUT it would attach any new logs to your original thread and it will be picked up fine, do not worry about bumping if its adding more info,
  13. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Alright thank you. All i wanted to do was add new logs , not jump over anybody.

    Appreciate it.

  14. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    I took an important screenshot to add to my malware post but when i tried it said contact forum administrator because it was past the 10 minute limit.

    So, i tried to contact a forum administrator but surprisingly i couldn't since i needed 50 posts. So i followed the directions again and it said i need to make a new post , so here it is. Thank you
  15. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

  16. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Moved your posts to the thread in software that's continuing with your question HERE and its best to keep all the questions in one place as not everyone that could help you, will review the Welcome Centre as its a place just to say HI.
  17. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Can you move my post from the software forum to a more appropriate forum, probably the Malware forum .

    I have been through the "read and run me first" thing twice, but as my log indicates, i still have the Heur infection because of the pop ups i keep getting trying to get me to click on the program that gave it to me in the first place.

    Thank you
  18. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    If you are still having Malware issues, start a new thread in the Malware forum and attach new logs from running the guide again, old logs even from a day or so ago will be no good as you may have changed things in the meantime.
  19. DamnComputers

    DamnComputers Private E-2

    Hola brother, just wanted to say hi to a fellow computer savant. :-D
    Im reading the malware removal guide as we speak, sure is nice that people online actually do this...
    I guess some people like making viruses and messing up computers and some enjoy beating the bad guys and fixing them.
    cool site!:major

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