Help taking ownership of external hard drive

Discussion in 'Software' started by TELME, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. TELME

    TELME Private E-2

    Hi Major Geeks,

    Can someone help me take ownership of my external hard drive using Windows 8. I have found a few resources on the web, but most are not for Windows 8; and the ones that were seem to be missing a step or 2, as after following them I still don't have access to the files on my ehd.

  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    See the following from a discussion yesterday.
  3. TELME

    TELME Private E-2

  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    It still works for 8. This has been the same process since Windows XP. You have to do it from Desktop mode in Windows 8.

    The owner tab is the window that pops up, when you click Advanced. All you had to do was ask; not deny by just going to the link, and coming back stating that it is incorrect info.
  5. TELME

    TELME Private E-2


    I have done this before with XP, but 8 is different. When advanced is clicked there is no owner tab in 8. I don't understand what the rest of your msg means.
  6. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Win8 is no different. Follow what I stated in my previous reply, and it will allow you to take ownership of the folder.

    All they did was change the process in 8, but it is still the same as how it was in XP. This explains the process same as the link I posted.

    BTW, if you want me to do it for you, I charge plane fare there and back, meals and a hotel room stay, which is not cheap.
  7. TELME

    TELME Private E-2


    Windows 8 is different, that is why it is 8 and not 7, and that is why the link you provided didn't work! If they changed the “process” in 8 and the “process” is what I am after then the “process” for 7 will not do!

    BTW, uh no thank you. I prefer someone who listens well enough to actually be helpful.

    Don't get mad at me; because you are responding to questions without paying attention to what is being asked, and subsequently giving out bad info!
  8. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Again, follow the instructions I posted, and it will work. If you do not like the link or instructions, then you are on your own, even though the information was very clear what I stated, and what the link states.

    Again, Windows 8 is no different in how to take ownership of a folder or file, than it was in 7, Vista, XP, Server 2k3, 2k8, 2k12.

    BTW, no one is getting mad at you, but if you want to take it that way, good luck on figuring this out, even though the instructions are very clear.
  9. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

    I don't know why you feel the need to take ownership - you can still access all files, or just remove ext hdd to prevent unauthorized access.
    This will allow you to do it, though:

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