Screen Artifacts [Laptop]

Discussion in 'Software' started by Arcaian, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Arcaian

    Arcaian Private E-2

    Hello Major Geeks!

    Wondering what this could be. I'm guessing a hardware issue, just seems strange if it is. I was out yesterday with my laptop, working perfectly fine, put it in my laptop bag - designed for it, protects it nicely - and walked ~15 minutes home. Done it a fair bit, no problems normally. Turned it back on here, pretty horrible artifacts all over the screen, shown below:


    Never had them before - find it strange that the screen capture gets them. But yeah, pretty bad. I can run games just like I normally do, no performance problems, and interestingly I can't see any during boot up, only when Windows is opening, in the BIOS it seems to be fine. I'm running an Optimus set up with a GTX 765M as the Nvidia card, I've reinstalled the latest drivers with a clean install, gone back to previous stable and even previously game ready drivers with no obvious difference in these artifacts. Don't really know what to do here - I'll be able to use my warranty on it in about ~3 weeks, but really hoping it's a software issue.

    Should I try partioning my HDD and installing Ubuntu, see if it works there? Or what. Thanks for the help!

    P.S. - just tried rolling back and updating the Intel drivers, interestingly for a split second in the middle of the screen flash there were no artifacts.
  2. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    Clean install of Windows (what version?), or a clean driver install from the Nvidia site: ?
  3. Arcaian

    Arcaian Private E-2

    Sorry, really should've been more specific there - running Windows 8.1, and a clean driver install from Nvidia, not clean install of Windows.

    Windows 8 has the feature for resetting the OS without formatting the HDD - that is a possibility as well.
  4. Arcaian

    Arcaian Private E-2

    Nobody can help? :( Have to take it in for warranty, but that's gonna be a while...
  5. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    Is that windows 8.1 x64 if it is I have the same problem I can't load the disk in as I see the same thing. I heard it is something to do with the NVidia graphics cards some do it and some don't. I had reverted back to windows 7 x64 until Microsoft can produce a fix for it.
  6. Arcaian

    Arcaian Private E-2

    Yep, Windows 8.1. Running with the GTX 765M, so it could be an nvidia thing - I could drop back to REALLY old drivers and see, but see no reason why that would be the case... it's not temperatures, as I'm running at 40 degrees on default clocks, and tried underclocking the GPU and no affect on the artifacts. I'll try partition my HDD and install W7, if that fixes it I know it's a problem with the software. Thanks for the tip! :)
  7. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

  8. Arcaian

    Arcaian Private E-2

    So you reinstalled W7 and no fix? :(
  9. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    yep otherwise use windows 8.1 32 bit system which don't detect above 4GB RAM. Even Microsoft don't have a fix for it they just told me to get a kepler based nvidia graphics chip in which case they are not cheap.

    So I reverted back to windows 7 x64 bit

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