OS - .iso and Software Download

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dekade, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    I am looking at a Windows 7 Professional download from Software Plaza. They tell me that I download from the link that I buy - then burn the .iso to a DVD and then install the Win 7 Pro OS on another computer.

    I have never done any type of .iso burning. What is involved? How do I do it? Do I need .iso software and what would be the best freeware to use? Is it a safe process? Is it a complete full blown WIN 7 Pro 64 Bit OS process?

    The reason I am asking all of this is because I am wanting to buy a laptop from a manufacturer outlet store but the ones that I want only come with Win 8.1. I want to get 8.1 off and Win 7 on upon receipt of the refurbished laptop.

    Thanks for any replies,

  2. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  3. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    I understand your reply. However, your link will only give me a copy relative to an OS that I already have installed. In my case - A desktop tower is what I currently have. I need an OS for a new laptop.
  4. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    You can't do it without a product key, and MS don't sell them any more. You would have to transfer your present licence to the laptop.
  5. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    If you decide to go ahead anyway then download the iso to your Win 7 tower, pop a DVD-R or DVD-RW into your drive, right click the iso file and click Burn Disc Image. It's that simple.
  6. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

  7. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Thanks for the info, but, I don't want to transfer. I need both the tower and the laptop.
  8. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Understood. Any specific software required?
  9. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

  10. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    None, it's built into Win 7.
  11. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    That's correct. However, you can download the ISO using your current Product Key for either the 32-bit or 64-bit version and burn it to DVD. Then when you want to install it and activate it on the laptop, you'll need to purchase a Product Key perhaps from ebay. That's where I got my retail Product Key for Win 8.1.
  12. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    I see. Didn't know that it could work that way.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  13. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    By the way,
    How did you insert my handle with the quote?
  14. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    One thing I should mention from experience is that though you enter your W7 key during install, Windows may say your copy is not genuine later on. Should it do so, enter the same key again and you should receive no further notifications about activation.

    If you don't have a valid key, the install will only be good for 30 days. Also, according to the EULA, you cannot use the same key on two different machines though you own them and the key.
  15. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Do you mean this? At the bottom-right of the post click Quote.
  16. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Yes I did mean that. So, Evidently "quote" selects the entire reply and then you retain/delete the areas that you want - correct?
  17. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Thank you, the mekanic, for the extra info. I am just now writing another important thread about .iso stuff that I just found out. I deliberated on a new thread but I decided to proceed with it because it is so much further diversified compared to this thread.
  18. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    That's correct. I always leave the member's name.
  19. strollin

    strollin Private E-2

    I know you said you want Win 7 instead of Win 8 on your laptop but you may want to reconsider. Not only will you have trouble locating a copy of Win 7 to install, but you may also have trouble locating Win 7 drivers for that particular laptop.

    What is it that you don't like about Win 8? Have you ever used it?

    Most people don't like Win 8 due to its lack of a Start Menu, that can be remedied by installing the free program called Classic Shell.

    MS is due to ship Win 10 later this year and has said that it will be a free upgrade to both Win 7 and Win 8 users so it may be only a matter of a few months that you actually use Win 8.
  20. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Thanks strollin',

    Yes, you are correct. I have heard so much about the start bar issue and difficulty navigating around in the background of the OS. Classic Shell does present an option. Yes, I am starting to study Win10.

    However, I have considered giving into Win 8 or 8.1. However, I am looking at a top 5 laptops manufacturer now that is still shipping WIN 7 PRO which I currently have on all of my household desktop towers.

    Thanks again for the input on the subject.
  21. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    When Windows 10 is released, it will be available as a free upgrade to Windows 8.1 and 7 users... for 1 year! IOBit's Start Menu 8 returns the Start Menu to Windows 8.
    The reason users don't like Windows 8 is because it's as flat as the back of a sheet of sandpaper. I see it every time I run CCleaner. And when helping a friend with her laptop. Again why? When we have 3D monitors, 3D TVs, 3D Printers? Why do you or I have to install a program to have the (almost) 3D Aero theme? At the end of the day... only you can decide what you like.

    I will use Windows 7 Ultimate & XP Professional until I can no more...
    BTW I installed Seven Remix XP and my Windows XP looks like Windows 7!
  22. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Well ... Eldon ... you are correct ... WHY? I am very content with Win7Pro after working with it for all of these years that there is no need to change. THE ONLY reason I was considering is because somewhere, can't bring up where it was, but, as I was reading online about Win10, that rumor comments were present that they didn't know for certain if they would honor Win7 with the free Win10.

    Again, I iterate - that was only hearsay that I read online last week.
  23. strollin

    strollin Private E-2

    MS made an official announcement that Win 10 would be a free upgrade for Win 7 and Win 8 license holders so it's no longer hearsay.

    In the end, whether a button or other control has a flat or 3D appearance makes zero difference in how it works so I personally don't care either way.

    I like Win 7 and still have and use Win 7 on some of my machines but my newer machines came with Win 8 which is a perfectly usable OS.

    My take on OSes is that I rarely upgrade a currently working machine to a new OS but new machines get the latest OS.

    I doubt I will take advantage of the free upgrade offer to Win 10 as I've been testing the Win 10 Preview and don't see anything there that would cause me to switch. If I buy or build a new machine once Win 10 is released then it will have Win 10 on it.
  24. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant


    Great information. Thanks for the update. Your strategy on OS's seems to be a commonly practiced one. I gather Eldon is another with the same philosophy. It took me many years to go from XP to 7. I would imagine I'll likewise employ the same tactic relative to the arrival of Win10. Plus staying with an OS that one already has for a period of time allows the bugs to get all worked out through service packs.

    Thanks again
  25. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Also, when you go to post a reply, you can wrap quotes around selected text by clicking on the icon in the toolbar and copy/pasting the text you selected between the quote tags (see att'd).

    Attached Files:

  26. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Thanks mdonah,

    That part I did know and have often used it. Thanks anyway.


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