Which cables do I need to install SSD in desktop?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Beatlemanic, May 24, 2015.

  1. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

    I would like to add a Samsung 850 Evo 2.5" SSD to my desktop...I think I'll need to buy a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter bracket, but what about the sata power and data cables? I'll probably buy from monoprice.com . Please help me find the correct cables.
  2. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    The SATA cables are the same for both HDDs and SSDs.
  3. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

    I have a number of SSDs and simply use double-sided tape to attach it.

    You can put it wherever you like on the inside.
  4. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

    Thanks, good to know that'll be safe to do, and I already have a roll of double-sided tape...

    I'm looking at the power cables here ( http://www.monoprice.com/Category?c_id=102&cp_id=10226&cs_id=1022604 ), but am surprised they all have molex connectors.
    Is there something else I should be getting?
  5. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

  6. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

    If you are using the SSD for the OS, plug it into the 6GB port, if you have one on MOBO.

    That will give you optimal speed.
  7. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

  8. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

    How many hdd slots do you have in the case - and are any available?

    If you have any available, you will have a cable (data) running from MOBO.

    This is the same as the one you have connected to your current HDD.

    If not, a molex cable will allow you to connect the SSD to the power cable.
  9. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

    I opened the case..There's one available hard drive bay. I also saw the unused sata data cable and four slots on the motherboard for sata power connections...I didn't see an extra sata power cable, but I'm assuming that's typical?
    My SSD is sata III but the data cable only shows 'sata' on it.
    Thank you for your time, and everyone else who has replied.
  10. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

    You can plug in the SSD to the extra data cable and the power cable I referenced earlier will go to the power ports.

    I'm sure that you don't have 6gb (Sata 111 capability) on MOBO, so the SSD will give you slower speeds than normal, but when you get a new PC with 6gb capability, you'll see a big change.

    Good luck.:wave


    Not having an extra power cable is typical of many mfrs.

    If the website is going to charge you for shipping, you might be better off just going to a local store for the power cable.
    Last edited: May 25, 2015
  11. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

  12. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I would use a bracket instead of tape. SSDs don't generate much heat but they still need air circulating about them to prevent any heat build-up.

    FWIW, every Samsung SSD I've bought came with a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter bracket.
  13. psco2007

    psco2007 Master Sergeant

    Take a look at the one in your case and get another one like it.

    It is probably 12".

    Don't worry about heat buildup by using. Velcro strips to attach it.

    I've been using this method for years and never had a problem.

    I monitor all my drives with SPeccy on my desktop and the SSD always remains at about 30c.
  14. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    With all due respect, just because your temps are fine in your setup, neither you nor the OP, or anyone else should assume they will be fine in theirs. You have no clue what case they have, the capability of their case cooling, or even their ambient temps. No doubt, all 3 are different than your setup. Therefore, it is not right to assume your situation applies to everyone.

    All users should ALWAYS "worry about", or take into account for heat build up.

    The brackets are designed to allow for air to circulate under and all around the SSDs. The SSDs are designed to be mounted in brackets. And the Samsung, Intel, and OCZ SSD hardware installation instructions all say to use a bracket. None mention sticking what amounts to a blanket of insulation onto the SSD housing.
  15. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

    Regarding the need for a sata extension cable, I'd like to put a second HDD in the open bay. There are two extra sata cables but will need the extension cable to keep the SSD from dangling in the case...There's no graphics card (i won't be gaming), so that's one less component to produce heat and block air flow but I understand that heat could get trapped where the SSD would be sitting..The case has side vents.

    My specs are different but this is the case.


  16. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    You have two open bays - the one with the blue adapter bracket, and another above your optical drive.
  17. Beatlemanic

    Beatlemanic Private E-2

    The blue bracket doesn't fit into the bay below the optical drive, so what kind of adapter do I need? I see two holes that aren't very accessible due to all the wiring on the other side..
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
  18. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

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