Installing Office 2010 On Windows 10

Discussion in 'Software' started by whril, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. whril

    whril Private First Class

    i have an hp laptop that was upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10.

    i am trying to install 2010 office professional plus and am not being successful. the following error appears
    "this product requires windows server 2008 service pack 2 or above. "

    from what i understand i can't install the service pack 2 until service pack 1 installed. which is all 6's as i can't seem to find either for windows 10.

    when the machine was running 7 the office was not installed so i need to roll back to windows 7 to install the office and then back to 10 or can i get this installed as is.

  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    According to Microsoft:

    "The following versions of Microsoft Office with the latest Service Packs have been confirmed to be compatible with Windows 10:
    • Office 2016 Preview
    • Office 2013/Office 365
    • Office 2010 with exception Office Starter 2010
    • Office 2007"
    To the best of my knowledge, MSO Professional Plus* editions are beta trials. That's probably why you got the unusual error message.

    And no, there are no services packs for Windows 10.

    *Please confirm the exact edition of MSO 2010.
  3. whril

    whril Private First Class

    i don't think this is an office starter. is a licensed program of microsoft office professional plus 2010 with microsoft office web apps 2010. the dvd doesn't say beta on it. it is licensed for 5 computers and in use on 4. that is all i really know.
  4. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  5. whril

    whril Private First Class

    okay i am confused. i don't believe this is an evaluation. this is a product that we have been using full featured for 5 years. we have a microsoft volume license for the product and it is currently on 4 other computers. the computer that has windows 10 was recently donated to us and never had an office program hence the wanting to put the 5th license on it, if i can get it installed.
  6. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Open Word on any or all 4 of the other PCs and check the edition. Take a screenshot(s) and post it.
  7. whril

    whril Private First Class

    okay i can do that. might not be til later this week tho when i get back to the farm.
  8. whril

    whril Private First Class

    would a pix of the dvd help?
  9. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I suspect the MSO editions on the 4 PCs may have been upgraded to full versions.
  10. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Is this version on CD/DVD or an ISO?

    As I have installed Office 2010 on a Windows 10 Laptop the other week ok, it was from the ISO version mind.
  11. whril

    whril Private First Class

    it is from a dvd.

    i called the secretary and asked her and she said the office professional plus we have has never been upgraded. the registration numbers i have are a printout taken from the microsoft volume licensing service center online account.

  12. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  13. whril

    whril Private First Class

  14. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    We are indeed talking about 2 different products.

    Now, back to your original question...
    You have 1 month after upgrading to roll back to Windows 7. Whether your particular version of MSO will migrate with the upgrade, I cannot say. It's certainly worth a try.
  15. whril

    whril Private First Class

    two dimensional conversation at its best. :)

    so you are saying that i should revert back to 7. install the program. upgrade back to 10?

    if it doesn't migrate can i revert back to 7 a second time?

  16. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Yes & yes.
    Remember you can only revert back to Windows 7 for 1 month after upgrading. After that you'll have to do a clean install of Windows 10.
  17. whril

    whril Private First Class

    i ended up doing a clean install of windows 7. everything went fine til i tried to install the office then i received the same error......
    "this product requires windows server 2008 service pack 2 or above. "
    windows 7 does not have a windows server 2008 service pack 2 and the vista download will not take.
    the specs on the office say it will work on windows 7 however researching this problem on the microsoft site gave no answers.
    any suggestions?

  18. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    All I can suggest is you contact
  19. whril

    whril Private First Class

    well dang! i don't think i have ever had a problem beyond the geeks skill to solve!
    will let you know what i find.
  20. whril

    whril Private First Class

    softwaremedia can not help as i am not a paying customer. i think the confusion here was the link i posted. that was just an example of what edition i have, it was bought through microsoft which no longer carries it.

    anyway, last night i had briefly checked the messages here and there was a suggestion to try. this morning i go to try it and it is gone. confused as to the reason? and what to do now.

  21. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Then you need to contact Microsoft.

    Windows 7
    Mainstream Support – ends 13th Jan 2015
    Extended Support – ends 14th Jan 2020

    Office 2010
    Mainstream Support – ends 13th Oct 2015
    Extended Support – ends 13th Oct 2020

    FYI The post was deleted as per the member's request. It would not have helped because you re-installed Windows.
  22. whril

    whril Private First Class

    ahh that makes sense.

    i received no satisfactory reply from microsoft, nor did i really expect to as the only advice i had seen on their forums i and others had tried to no avail.

    i did, however, find a post with a link to tomsguide about the issue. it seem that with the professional plus 2010 volume licensed editions must be validated through the server. seems the server will have a validation key on it. since i know nothing about servers i will pass this problem on to someone more knowledgeable in that area.

  23. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Office 2010 will install on Windows 10 as I have it on my moms laptop as that was the only spare licence I had and she doesn't need power usage as current Office, I would copy the files from the DVD to your desktop and install from there. Make sure you don eany3rd party antivirus software installed

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