Network Printer Keeps Disconnecting

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by jkman, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. jkman

    jkman Private E-2

    Hi Majorgeeks,

    So i'm running windows 7 64-bit and my computer is connected over our network to an HP printer. Recently, it has been doing something strange to where I can't use it. Every time it happens I have to delete it and then find it again over the network to print something. This shows what it looks like when I can't use it:

    The faded printer icon, when I hover over it says " Status: Printer: offline, pending deletion". While the default printer icon says "status: printer: ready". I'm unable to print anything. I've deleted both and then re-added the printer a handful of times now. Whats going on?
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Explain the "network" setup. Modem and/or router brand and models. Is the printer attached to a router or to another computer? If it is attached to the router USB or ethernet? If to another computer is that computer on?
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I forgot to ask, what version of Windows?
  4. jkman

    jkman Private E-2

    The printer is connected via hardwired to another computer but is linked to our router through wifi. My computer is hardwired to the router. I connect it by using the "Find printers over network" option. It's windows 7 professional.
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  6. jkman

    jkman Private E-2

    It doesn't have to be on. The printer is like a standalone device that is connected to our router wirelessly. It just so happens to be hardwired to a computer because it sits right next to it. I have no trouble finding it over the network and adding it. It just won't stay connected. It shows up like that image I linked in the first post.
  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Well I have never shared a printer connected to a computer. My understanding always was that the computer with the printer had to be on.

    My shared printer is connected by a print server to the router and computers upstairs and in the basement running Windows and linux can use it to print.

    So I'll bow out and let someone who has used your setup offer advice.
  8. jkman

    jkman Private E-2

    I believe this would only be true if the printer did not have wifi and I was connecting to the printer through the other computer like this: My PC->router->PC2->printer. But really it's My PC ->router->printer. The printer is an HP Envy 4500 and it has always worked with this setup until recently it started doing this offline nonsense. I appreciate your help.
  9. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    I'm guessing you used some software to set it up? Try giving the printer a static IP and see if it still goes missing.
  10. djdmoney863

    djdmoney863 Private E-2

    Yea instead of doing the "find" the printer option click add printer>then add local printer>create a new port(select "standard TCP/IP Port) and enter the IP address of the printer which should be found in the network options for the printer. Add the driver and ou should be all set. Also before hand remove those prior installed drivers for that printer.
  11. davismccarn

    davismccarn Specialist

    OK, guys, a bit of a redirect!
    If you really, really want to confuse the h*ll out of almost every printer made, give it two different connections. If its on the network, don't plug it into any PC's. The printer can't handle both USB and network connections. Either connect it to one PC via USB and disconnect it from the network or the opposite. I'll bet it blows its cookies every time the guy with that PC prints something.
  12. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Na, I have an Epson here at work plugged in via USB to my work PC & I connect my devices to it wirelessly to print, never barfed yet.
  13. pravin007techno

    pravin007techno Private E-2

    Reinstall the related printer network drivers.
  14. davismccarn

    davismccarn Specialist

    I can't begin to count how many times (well in the hundreds, maybe more) the problem with the printer was having it connected two different ways! Most printers are NOT designed to support multiple connections (even on the network, only one device connects at a time!)
    foogoo, I'd love to know the model of that Epson; but, I suspect it is being shared through your PC rather than using USB and the network.
  15. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    I am the company IT guy, I set it up and it is not shared, it is hard wired USB to my work laptop and has its own SSID (ie Ad-Hoc) for devices that are not on the corporate network to print to it, my ipad, my other desktop. There is a print que / buffer to handle multiple connections, how do you think printers work? Epson 845 workforce - 2 years no connection problems.
  16. pravin007techno

    pravin007techno Private E-2

    1. When was the last time it was working fine?
    2. Did you make any changes to the computer before the issue occurred?

    As a work around you need to follow these below provided steps in order to troubleshoot this issue.

    Method 1: First uninstall the printer driver software from your computer from the Devices and Printers and Programs and Features.

    a. To uninstall the scanner driver from the Devices and Printers:

    a. Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and click Devices and Printers. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
    b. Right click on the printer driver and click Properties.
    c. On the device Properties dialog box, click the Driver tab, and then click Uninstall.

    b. To uninstall from the Programs and Features, follow the steps given in the link below:
    Uninstall or change a program

    Note: Restart your computer. This should automatically install proper driver for it.

    Method 2: Open the Printer troubleshooter

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