Got A Funny Pic? Post It !

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by crookedbandit, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    women gettin ready for turkey
    caamich and russ0408 like this.
  2. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    turkey in top drawer!
    caamich, Nicholas223 and russ0408 like this.
  3. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    14690977_1665414233787560_2213853990729985870_n.jpg too late for that !
  4. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  5. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    rnhotdog.jpg Hot dogs for everybody.......
    motc7 and Eldon like this.
  6. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Thanks to a fellow MajorGeek... :D
    :eek: o_O

    Lack Toes.jpg
    Gensuknives and russ0408 like this.
  7. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    iSheeple... :rolleyes:

    Apple vs Windows.png
    russ0408 and harmless like this.
  8. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    enhanced-buzz-15894-1367441762-1.jpg now thats a hot tub!
    caamich likes this.
  9. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  10. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  11. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    NEJzq[1].jpg now I know what to do with that old computer !
  12. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    ba23cf07-cded-4ed9-8498-7ba31d6b0bd6.jpg now thats a swing.
    caamich and russ0408 like this.
  13. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    enhanced-buzz-19149-1367506092-1.jpg if the snow is that deep...make a fridge outta it.
    the mekanic, russ0408 and Eldon like this.
  14. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    Redneck-life-hacks-26.gif best rat trap ever!
  15. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

  16. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

  17. Bob D.

    Bob D. Majorgeeks official old fart

  18. Bob D.

    Bob D. Majorgeeks official old fart

    caamich and harmless like this.
  19. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    26301-Funny-Coffee.jpg Is it Monday already?
    caamich and Bob D. like this.
  20. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  21. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  22. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  23. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  24. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  25. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  26. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  27. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  28. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  29. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  30. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  31. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  32. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  33. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  34. Bob D.

    Bob D. Majorgeeks official old fart

    ME TOO :p:p:D:D
  35. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  36. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  37. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    Naughty-5.jpg Are YOU on that list !!!! (I think Bob D is on the list !!)
  38. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  39. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  40. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  41. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  42. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  43. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  44. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  45. Bob D.

    Bob D. Majorgeeks official old fart

    legalsuit likes this.
  46. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

  47. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

    15078899_1444449945583330_5272683615895429074_n (1).jpg this is when you get paid by the hour!
  48. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    When it's hot...

    Imandy Mann likes this.
  49. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  50. crookedbandit

    crookedbandit Sergeant

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