Creating Vcard Files Containing Multiple Contacts

Discussion in 'Software' started by HDL, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    My ISP’s Webmail no longer will import CSV files and that is how I used to get my contacts into my Webmail account, they now require vCard.vcf file. I have not found a way to create a vCard.vcf file with multiple contacts in it. I have 358 contacts plus some Group contacts that refuse to create a vCard.vcf file.

    So what I need to ask is how can I create a vCard.vcf file which contains all my contacts so I can import them into my ISP’s Webmail server?

    Here is what I have done so far:

    1. Created 358 individual vCard.vcf files of all my contacts except the Group contacts.

    2. Tested and made sure they will import to my webmail server

    3. I tried selecting multiple contact vCard.vcf files to import and that was denied, only 1 at a time.

    4. In Outlook I exported all my contacts to a CSV file to try to use Using Manual Technique to Convert Excel to VCF

    a. You must first do an Excel to CSV conversion,

    b. then import contacts from the CSV file,

    c. then export contacts to the vCard file.

    5. In step 4 above I am confused about that to when it says, “You must first do an Excel to CSV conversion”. Not sure what that means so I did these steps:

    a. Created the CSV file in Outlook

    b. Opened it in Excel tried and exporting it to a Vcard file and that option didn’t exist.

    c. Saved that CSV file as an excel spreadsheet with an xlsx extension

    d. Then saved it as a CSV file

    e. Again, tried to export is to a vCard file and that option still was not an option

    So I am stuck importing 358 contacts individually unless someone can tell me how to create a vCard.vcf file containing all my contacts.

  2. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Wouldn't it be simpler just to use Outlook rather than webmail?
  3. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    Possibly but the only time I use my webmail service is when I am not at home. I am not sure how I would use Outlook on someone else's network. I suppose I could look that up but I don't want to mess up any of my settings in Outlook the way I use it at home. I usually call a friend of mine when, for one reason or another, I have to install Outlook on another computer or reset it up.
  4. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    OK this is why I don't use it. I searched for "How to access my outlook from another network" and only found this: In Outlook, under the "File" tab, click "Account Settings," and then "Account Settings in the Backstage view." Select your account and click "Change," and then "More Settings" and the "Connection" tab. Now set Outlook Anywhere to connect using HTTP. Don't know what that means so I would like to continue to use my webmail account and not mess anything up. If I have to, I will upload each contact one at a time but was hoping there was an easier way.
  5. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    HDL likes this.
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I found two YouTube videos. The first show you how to convert CSV to vCard in Excel

    The next one shows you how to combine multiple vcf files to one vcf file (a group)

    Perhaps something useful is in these 2 videos.
    HDL likes this.
  7. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    Thank you very much. I don't know how you found those. I searched and searched and was unsuccessful. Again, thanks.
  8. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    I couldn't quite figure out the one using Excel BUT that other video did the trick and it worked great. Once, more thank you.
  9. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Ah, I'm glad you were able to get it sorted. Thanks for letting us know what worked. If someone is facing the same issue, perhaps they will see this thread and get it solved.
  10. HDL

    HDL Private First Class

    I decided while I was trying to get my contacts into my ISP's webmail's server I might as well import those same contacts into my Gmail and Hotmail accounts. I was able to successfully import a CSV file created by my Outlook program into Gmail with no problems at all. I then tried to inport that exact same CSV file into Hotmail and it would not accept it. So funny thing is Hotmail popped up with a message to create a valid CSV file and suggested exporting Gmail's contacts and creating a CSV file. I did that and Gmail created an Excel.CSV file which Hotmail imported with no problem. I find that strange that Gmail can create an acceptable CSV file from its contact list which was created using the CSV file created by Outlook.

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