Superantispyware Not Updating

Discussion in 'Software' started by mark59, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    When I go to SUPERAntiSpyware to update the program it does not update. I attach a screenshot (Scrnsht.jpg) of what I see when I have clicked on, “Click here to check for updates”.

    When I look above where it says, “Click here to check for updates” I notice it says, “Update 1 minute ago”. This cannot be true for two reasons. First, I have not updated the program a minute ago. Secondly, I have the free version so it does not auto-update.

    I update SUPERAntiSpyware every day but have been experiencing this issue, i.e. no updates, for a week. Yesterday, checked to be sure I had the latest version of SUPERAntiSpyware and found I didn’t. I’ve updated SUPERAntiSpyware to the latest version but it still says there are no updates.

    Is something going on with this program? Has it not issued updates during this time? Can I have some problem which is preventing updates?

    Attached Files:

  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Go here
    scroll to the bottom and read Manual definition updates.
    1. Download the update (using the link provieded) and save to your desktop.
    2. Double-click the installer.
    3. Exit and restart superantispyware for the new definitions to work.

    You might have to do this until someone answers who uses the program. I do not.
    mark59 likes this.
  3. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Thank you @plodr for your help. Much appreciated. I'll do the actions you've recommended.
  4. j0k3335*

    j0k3335* Private E-2

    ... as I'm in the same situation : Thank you @plodr for your advice ;)
    .... I hope that they will solved this as fast as possible :rolleyes:
  5. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Got in touch with SUPERAntiSpyware. I didn't expect any help as I have the free version. They give me a little help which was to uninstall and re-install, which I did but that didn't work. Anywat today I ran SAS update on a different computer and it updated. I'll check the other machine later. I hope it's fixed now and how @jok3335* that yours is fixed too.
  6. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Working on both my PCs. It would appear SAS has resumed normal service.
  7. pistol

    pistol Private First Class

    i had the paid version a couple of years ago, and once in awhile the updates would hang or not complete, a tech on their forum gave me a link for their forced updater tool executable to resume getting the current definitions online, i may have ran it several times and it seems to fix the hanging issue for future updates.
  8. j0k3335*

    j0k3335* Private E-2

    Thanks a lot, yes it's working again !
    ... and happy new year ;)
    mark59 likes this.
  9. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Happy New Year!

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