I Have Come Up With A Virtually Uncrackable Password

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by scubatony, Oct 27, 2024 at 1:35 PM.

  1. scubatony

    scubatony Private E-2

    I have come up with a virtually uncrackable password, yes that is correct, now I know some people are going to say NAW can't be done, but let's try it.
    I have used uppercase to highlight the importance
    This is what you need
    1) The make model engine size of your car and the year it was registered.
    2) The make and model of your neighbour's car.
    If you don't own a car and/or your neighbour does not own a car, then simply make the two up but remember the details.
    Here we go, I am NOT using my password but an example.
    This is the first stage
    ford mondeo 1.6 tdi 2006 golf next door 2024
    FIRST stage completed
    Second stage PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS there are NO MISTAKES & no spaces
    FordMondeo1.6Tdi2006GolfNextdoor 32 characters The BOLD characters are there for clarity
    THATS IT all done notice the UPPERCASE and NO SPACES
    You will always remember your car and your neighbour's car
    The beauty of this is can be significantly changed by altering certain numbers or letters.
    Never exceed 32 characters, some websites don't like that length so just trim down to less than the required length, for example, I am on a website that needed trimming and I may have inserted £ $ % & # | / \ ( but I am not telling you which or where)
    Once you have settled on a new password and if you know somebody who has password-cracking software try them initially with the 32-bit and see what they come up with, obviously do this before you alter it for the intended website.
    My main password is 32 bits in length and I know it off by heart.
    The main password for my VPN account is 52 characters in length FIFTY TWO.
    Please reply with any comments successes or failures
    Uber Nerdy Chicken likes this.
  2. Uber Nerdy Chicken

    Uber Nerdy Chicken Private E-2

    And what if the guy trying to get your password is your neighbor and he just saw this post ?
  3. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Corporal Punishment and Fred_G like this.
  4. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    Interesting idea - personal and uncrackable.
    Basically, that is an advanced mnemonic algorithm that is excellent for doing passwords unless you do something like [dog name] [123]

    I wrote something similar a long time ago... a smidge simpler, with a twist.

    I recommend modifying it to be semi-unique for each website or for easy and frequent updates. Often, in a database breach, the password data is secondary - they just have it. So you would then have to change the password for every website immediately. If you have a modifier like a site name, for example. Brute force matching of a compromised database would be pointless to our accounts -- for example: [dog name] [sitename][123]

    That would be effected without getting you a prowling charge for peaking in your neighbor's garage. ;)
    scubatony likes this.
  5. scubatony

    scubatony Private E-2

    Hi there thanks for contributing to my thread.
    I had prepare a somewhat lengthy reply BUt decided against it.
    Taking your somewhat valid point, I respectfully ask to to re-read my post especially the following lines;-
    Second stage PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS there are NO MISTAKES & no spaces
    FordMondeo1.6Tdi2006GolfNextdoor 32 characters The BOLD characters are there for clarity
    THATS IT all done notice the UPPERCASE and NO SPACES
    Now I happen to live in John 0' Groats just across the road from you and can see your neighbour's car BUT what engine size, WHAT registration year and finally the most significant where are the BOLD & UPPERCASE characters and IF ANY special characters.
    As a point of interest, my vehicle is ( really did you think I was going to give you that start, as clever as you are ) but I will tell you that there are over 100 models of my vehicle, so good luck with that, also what year is it, ready to give up.
    Finally, I better let all the viewers reading this thread of mine into a little secret pre-2008 before the UK recession I ran a very successful M&E contracting company with 150 men & women on the payroll ( salary £1.75m pa ), ( as an example my electrical wholesale account ran between £70,000 to £80,000 per month ) in the electrical division we used to install LAN systems and I built the servers, I installed between a 32 and 40 bit character passwords to keep meddling fingers away from the possibility of doing further corruption, it worked for me, the backup passwords where held in my office safe and the dual safe combination was held by the office manager and the company accountant who was based elsewhere.
    I better point out I DO NOT live in John o'Groats, so Nerdy Chicken saves you the drive to check me out.
  6. scubatony

    scubatony Private E-2

    Hey there C P
    Just read the very interesting post that you wrote, I am suitably impressed on several levels, especially as it was penned several years ago.
    To significantly alter my password only requires either one or two items > bold ( configuration ) uppercase placement and the easiest the insertion of special characters ( your choice ) finally to make them bold or not.
    I am up in Court :(next week charged with peeking through my neighbour's window:D, NO not the garage the second-floor bedroom window.:rolleyes:
    Joking of course:)

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