How To Fix Laptop Keyboard?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Skullduggery's Dupe, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. Skullduggery's Dupe

    Skullduggery's Dupe Master Sergeant

    The spacebar has pretty much quit working entirely, and the backspace is almost as bad.

    Can I fix this myself, or do I need to pay someone to reassemble the 'darn' thing or something?
  2. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Only you can answer that as it depends on your own skills and your confidence in them. Replacement keyboards are typically easy to find and with the right tools and strategic placement of tongue, are not too hard to replace. There likely are several tutorial videos showing how.

    That said, I am confused. You say this is a laptop then show only the specs for a desktop PC.
  3. Skullduggery's Dupe

    Skullduggery's Dupe Master Sergeant

    I posted the specs for that desktop years ago, long before the laptop in question was even manufactured. I had forgotten all about ever even posting that information, and it has no connection to the case at hand.
  4. xrobwx71

    xrobwx71 Private E-2

    It's not a post but your signature.
  5. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Right, and that's fine, except we still don't know anything about this laptop. :(
    xrobwx71 likes this.
  6. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Like they said, look for a video, if not on YouTube some manufactures post repair videos too. I know Lenovo used to have the screws marked on the bottom of the laptop so you could remove the keyboards kinda easily. But I had to replace a Dell's keyboard recently that was a PITA, it had 20+ screws holding the keyboard alone, and you had to go from the bottom up removing everything.
    What I consider the most dangerous part of working on a laptop is the little ribbon cable snaps, not fun when you break one of those.

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