Looking For Ideas

Discussion in 'Software' started by Corporal Punishment, Dec 15, 2024.

  1. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    I am working on an article for January, and I want to include titles that you should have but probably do not know about. I have a bunch in mind but looking for some input on titles.

    For example. Everything is flipping awesome, but few people would know it, and the name is unfortunate for search. https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/everything.html

    So let's hear it: what are some lesser-known titles you can't live without?
  2. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    How about Notepad++ and DefenderUI? Throw in CleanMem for those running under-RAMed laptops?
  3. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    Solid! CleanMem is good for anything these days. Browsers are RAM HUNGRY!
  4. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    just a thought, but Autologon from Microsoft's Sysinternals suite is a a must have for me.
    looking forward to your article, they are always an enjoyable read. thanks.
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  6. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    OBS, Captura and/or Screen to GIF for capturing desktop video.
    Greenshot for print screen replacement.
    BulkRenameUtility for cleaning up file names.
    Handbrake for encoding video.
    ExtractNow to unzip or unrar multiple files.
    Explorer Patcher & Open Shell to improve your OS.;)
    Unreal Tournament, because all work and no play... https://oldunreal.com/
  7. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I'm sorry for bumping this thread, but I need Sumatra for a laptop at program. I also may use it on a Win98SE tower. Is there a version for Win98?
  8. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Admins, feel free to move this out of here but, yes, there is:


    Just for giggles, do you ever look for stuff on your own?
  9. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Umm...I shouldn't have asked, as I found it. Sorry!
  10. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    Who's going to argue with Harry Potter? I don't want to be turned into a toad.

    These are good suggestions - it's cool to see where we think alike and diverge
  11. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

  12. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    a very nice list indeed!!

    a haiku [ or two or three ] :


    lines of code oh my
    endlessly scrolling on screen
    the joy of my life


    Python Java C
    ChatGPT haiku me
    oops something went wrong


    it all began with
    print format console output
    response hello world


    thanks again, majorgeeks is the best
  13. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    Thanks! That list was the hardest thing to write. BRUTAL to narrow things down like that. Because there is always a pro and a con, right? Especially knowing I will get called out on a couple of items.

    Love your Haikus!

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