Does Anyone Here Shop On Ebay Anymore?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by XoXgaming, Aug 3, 2024.

  1. XoXgaming

    XoXgaming Corporal

    I have not been on ebay for a few years.And it seems to have exploded into buy my junk please at extremely inflated prices.

    This is one item that did upset me. They all so wanted 1 dollar for these two items.Not even worth the gold.

    They are selling a AMD K6 cpu two of them that for one is burnt to hell on the left side and most of the pins are bent on both cpu's.

    And i saw on another listing that some one was selling a thread ripper 7985wx pro for under 10,000 dollars. When amazon sells them new for 7,000 lol.
    Rogue-Buster-RJ likes this.
  2. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I do sometimes. It is mostly Amazon I use, as their delivery is faster.
  3. Rogue-Buster-RJ

    Rogue-Buster-RJ Private E-2

    I used to but I quit after the last scammer tried to hose.....I mean cheat me on a motherboard purchase. He claimed it was a brand new board which cost about $80 more than I payed for the brand new one I had bought a couple years earlier. However, I needed the board so I bought it. Advertisement said brand new, 90 day warranty, they paid return shipping etc etc. I removed my board and installed the new one. First, it looked anything but new. It shut down after 45 minutes. It had to sit for about 15 minutes before I could reboot. After that is shut down about every 15 minutes or so. Turned out it was a hot spot on the board. I was using an ASUS M5A97 R2,0. The board I bought was an ASUS M5A97 R2.0 so I switched everything out. I spent the next month and a half arguing with the seller who used every excuse in the book not to accept the board back. I had to contact e-bay to get a refund and was told to keep the board. It's still sitting on a shelf somewhere. There was so much fraud going on on e-bay that I just stopped buying anything from there and have never regretted that decision. I've checked out the e-bay site a couple of times since and it's only gotten worse. Prices for junk has sky rocketed and now you pay outrageous shipping costs for just about everything.

    To me it just isn't worth it anymore. Just my opinion from a few years of buying from e-bay scammers and getting screwed without a kiss a few to many times.
  4. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I'm mad at them at the moment. I got all excited that my dad's unopened PEZ set might be worth $90 but it's not.
  5. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I still do for odd items I can’t find new.
    Cooper likes this.
  6. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    Yeah, love eBay......
    It's been an online shopping fortress for as long as I can remember.
    Once you learn the platform, your shopping technique will prosper.
    They own PayPal so I'm not a fan of the push towards using it.
    20+ years of great service though, cant argue with that :)
  7. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I've found iphone cases on there for both my phone and my daughters that you can no longer get. Brand new in apple box and a good price. No issues. I used to sell on it, but stopped a long time ago.
    Cooper and Replicator like this.
  8. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    My nephew loves buying old iPads. Unless Apple is still putting out updates for them, they will become relics. ☺️
  9. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Never shopped on Ebay. However, I do some online shopping on occasion only if it is a reliable website.
  10. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper


    Wenchie likes this.
  11. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I think mostly it exists to buy things people found out were popular, cleaned out all the stores, and resold at a markup. Or vintage things.
  12. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I used to get a guy called Robert to tape WWE events for me. He stopped doing it because he was pirating them. We used to have a really good chat about wrestling in 2003.

    Another guy I talked to a lot was this jillvre03. But that was years ago. This was also in 2003. He never bothered with RE talk outside of GameSpot. I think he knew what they could be like.
  13. Uber Nerdy Chicken

    Uber Nerdy Chicken Private E-2

    There are still some good offers on EBay. Lately I've bought a collection of 5 albums made by Thomas Fersen. It is very rare and are around 60 - 80 euros on Amazon but I got it for only 15. And they are in perect conditions. EBay is still ok but not for things related to electronic. Some people are selling their Windows 95 intel Pentium no GPU 200 gigs of RAM portable brick PC for the price of the quantum computer at IBM.
  14. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I think eBay is expensive. Because sellers need to make a profit, I think they overprice stuff. But if you want Indicator Blu-rays, there's a 3 for £15 deal on their site.
  15. curiouslywritten

    curiouslywritten Private E-2

    I sell on eBay full-time and also Poshmark, Mercari, FB Marketplace, Amazon, and Craigslist but 80% of my sales are eBay as they have more potential buyers for secondhand goods. I mainly sell vintage electronics, housewares, and collectibles. I liquidate estates and help people sell their things or a deceased items as well as things I source and repair including old PCs. I have been selling a lot of retro PCs for gaming and legacy use.
  16. curiouslywritten

    curiouslywritten Private E-2

    eBay is neither expensive or not expensive. I sell $8k to $10k a month on there and buy a lot of stuff too. It is a marketplace so things go for what the market dictates and it fluctuates. What people want changes all the time and things go in and out of demand including secondhand goods. For example, last year I sold a typewrite for $160. I got another of the same model to sell and it is now going for $90 as typewriter sales have been down the last few months. The same thing happens to collectibles, clothes, electronics, etc.

    I sell a lot of CRT TVs and VCRs and there will be these times they are super hot and will sell within a day or two for top dollar and other times they will take weeks to sell and sell for a lot less.

    eBay is probably the purest market on the internet as far as the mainstream sites go. If you want new though, Amazon is almost always the best choice as the way they have it setup is a race to the bottom. That is why I don't sell much on there as the fees are high and prices just drop, drop drop.
  17. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I reckon I will not use eBay often if I keep seeing overpriced stock.

    It's ridiculous how scalping leads to customers being ripped off.
  18. curiouslywritten

    curiouslywritten Private E-2

    But, it isn't overpriced if it is consistent pricing across the board. It may be beyond your expectations but the market sets the rate. The prices are that way because the market has set it and that market is set by the buyers, not the sellers. If something doesn't sell, you lower your price until it does. eBay doesn't sell anything or set any prices the sellers do in reaction to what buyers will pay. I adjust my prices weekly and will go down until it is gone even if it is below my cost.

    If you ddon't mind me asking, what are you referring too because prices are down on a vast majority of categories from a year ago. I know there are some fashion brands that have surged in value but outside of that, I can't think of a single thing I have sold lately where pricing is up from the past.
  19. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Horror Blu-rays, etc. Like the ones by Arrow Video.
  20. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I like the auction format because sometimes you fine people selling things below their value, counting on a bidding war. You can bid and get it cheaper if it doesn't happen or get outbid and not lose anything if it does. Plus, eBay operates in over 190 countries, meaning you can find some really weird stuff, which I'm all about. But more often than not, I use Amazon instead. It just isn't overall competitive anymore.
  21. JonahWales

    JonahWales Master Sergeant


    i hate amazon -hard to return stuff-walmart better
  22. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I hear you—Amazon’s return process can be a pain sometimes. Walmart does make it easier with in-person returns, especially if you’re near a store. Both have their pros and cons, depends on what you’re shopping for! Don't return condoms though, they hate that.
    JonahWales likes this.
  23. JasonMomoa112

    JasonMomoa112 Private E-2

    1. So, eBay’s changed a lot, right? Some listings are just wild, like burnt CPUs for $1 lol. And those inflated prices? Feels like they’re hoping people won’t check elsewhere. I still use it for niche stuff, but I’m hyped for TikTok Shop to launch here in my country soon! It’s already huge in other countries, so it might shake things up.
    Cooper and JonahWales like this.
  24. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I abandoned the idea of beginning a top 40 US box office horror collection. The prices on eBay are ridiculously high. I'm just gonna stay content with my top ten collection.

    The only 70's movie I cannot acquire is Poor White Trash II. Grindhouse Releasing have yet to complete a HD transfer of this mundane slasher flick. I seen it somewhere for free, but it's awful.

    It's about a woman who gets attacked by a maniac and ends up staying with a backwoods family, who happens to be unrelated to the man who pursues her. The dubbing and acting is so lame.
  25. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Can I interest you in the entire series of Criminal Minds? Or a typical day in any small town around here? It's exactly the same.

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