New Geekcade Design

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Corporal Punishment, Jan 21, 2025.


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  1. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    Who doesn't love arcades and Geeks? So a 'Geekcade' makes sense, right?

    The great and exalted Philipp has been working on this project for quite some time, with the design acting as a beta for a possible new site layout. We are pretty proud of it and wanted to give you guys a bit of an early preview and hear what you think. Check it out here:

    There are about 20,000 games you can play right in your browser, so that should keep ya entertained for a few minutes, eh? My favorite is Bear vs Humans; makes me laugh. Huzzah! Image6.jpg
  2. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Sorry, but not a fan. I don't come to MajorGeeks looking for games.
  3. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    Cool, good to know. But that is probably because you haven't tried bears vs humans. You through one squirrel, and I promise you're hooked.

    Got about 3 million people to keep happy though. Plus, my kid is on the varsity esports team, so ...gotta represent.
  4. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Understandable...but esports is a thing in high school now? The nerds have finally gotten their revenge?
  5. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Oh, absolutely. Esports in high school is a thing now. The nerds didn’t just get their revenge—they’re running the whole show. Scholarships, fame, and actual careers? Welcome to the era where gaming in your parents' basement can make you the cool kid.

    20,000 games to mess with? Yeah, I’m definitely not getting anything done today. Bear vs. Humans is a riot, though—instant favorite. Huzzah to wasting time in style! Philipp clearly deserves the title of “great and exalted” for putting this masterpiece together.
  6. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    My friend Chris Pirillo once said - "Geek used to be a four-letter word; now it's a six-figure one." I love that dude.

    But yeah, gamers can live up to that statement.,18.htm

    Pretty humbling, though, when your kid starts whooping your ass in PVP - giggling and calling me a n00b.

    Philipp is a mad genius. BTW

    The entire GeekCade is done with Contentteller 4.0 - which he wrote. (I am pretty sure he came up with the term as well) It's a staggering piece of cms work. It's probably the single best on the planet. The goal is to try and incorporate the entire site into CT4, and the games section not only awesome games but also allows us to beta test the feature we want.

    I don't know if anyone knows this, but MG's basic cms and design really haven't changed in 20 years. We are running the same code base, which is sort of insane when you think about how the internet does things now, compared to then -- yet we can still adapt to meet the needs. I can only think of one program, notepad, that I have used for a long time. But that is how rock solid that initial take was. CT is a thing of beauty. :) But CT2 is DEF overdue for an upgrade now. Easier to do that than rewrite all the templates.
  7. ShelaghRoyale

    ShelaghRoyale Sergeant

    I like this.... when I see the pics associated with the game, it encourages me to want to know more about the game... :)
    Corporal Punishment likes this.
  8. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    I like it. Also the revamped site design. It looks more snazzy somehow.
    Corporal Punishment likes this.
  9. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Head of Software Shenanigans Staff Member

    Yeah - Philipp has spun some sort of elf magic on it. I heard him chanting for like an hour, thenthere was a huge POOF -- and out popped the snazzy.
    fleppen likes this.
  10. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    When can we expect the main site to have this level of snazziness again Corp?
  11. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Ooh, there is much afoot and not enough time to accomplish it. This I know.

    I wish I had the means to be more useful and ease the burden, so I just sparkle in this place and drench it with Wenchie glitter to distract the masses.

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