Windows Update I Don't Want Is Downloading How Do I Stop It

Discussion in 'Software' started by mark59, Feb 21, 2025.

  1. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    My computer that runs Windows 11 Home has for a while now been offering me the Windows 11 2024 (version 24H2). I have been assured by people that I do not have to download it and it is better to wait until it has been around for some time and Microsoft have fixed a lot of the bugs it will have. Therefore, I have ignored it.

    Today, I went to check if there were any updates offered by Microsoft and discovered that Windows 11H2 was downloading and 4% downloaded. As I do not want it and because I do not know how to stop an update if it has begun to download I simply shut the machine down.

    Is this update no longer optional and are Microsoft forcing me to have it? If it remains optional why would my PC start downloading it?

    Do I no longer have the option and must I accept it? If I can still decline it what steps do I take? I need to be able to switch the computer in question back on, prevent this download from continuing and stop it happening again. Please do not assume any IT expertise on my part and give instructions suitable for a complete novice. Thank you!
  2. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    I would just let it happen. 24H2 has been available since mid- to late fall and, after some problems, things seem to have been ironed out. I've been on that build since December, and the only problems I had were due to my also running ExplorerPatcher, which Microsoft does not appreciate.

    While you might be able to roll back, or uninstall, 24H2 after it's been installed, I do not know for certain if this is possible.

    If you choose to block the update, try reading this:

    There are also a number of YouTube videos available for this.
  3. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Thanking you for answering my query so promptly, much appreciated.

    My planned free afternoon has just been stolen so I cannot try your fix. It's going to be Sunday before I probably have tme to do this. Therefore, not hearing from me until then doesn't mean I've resolved the problem and don't need to come back for more help.
  4. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    By all means, take your time. There are almost certainly things more important than the least I hope there are!
  5. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I totally agree.
  6. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I have tried the fix today (Weds 26/02/25) but I'm not sure if it's worked. Supposedly it should mean that you are no longer offered the update 24H2. However, as can be seen in the attached image it is still there. Plus, Windows Update doesn't appear to be looking for any other updates. You will also see in the image that it says the update was stopped on 21/02/25, which was last Friday, when I turned off my PC because I did not know how to stop the update. As can be seen in the image rather that not being offered Widows 11 24H2 anymore, it wants me to retry the install.

    I do not know what to do now.

    Two things I'd like to mention for the benefit of anyone else who reads this thread because they're having the same problem is do not go to the Discord site for wushowhide. First, it says your invite no longer exists. So I signed up to Discord but couldn't find wushowhide anywhere. I googled it and it's avaialbale to download right here from Majorgeeks!

    Secondly, the instructions are a bit 'scary' for someone with my level of IT literacy, which is not very high. I really did not enjoy having to edit the registry. Howver, before doing so I created a system restore point, as the instructions recommend, I also made two backups of the registry. My PC seems to be running fine so I don't think I've harmed it.

    Attached Files:

  7. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    UPDATE: I am no longer being offered Windows 11 24H2. So effectively my problem has been resolved. Why it has disappeared since my last post I don't know. However, I have run CCleaner and restarted the PC at least twice so one of those actions may have resolved the problem.

    Thank you for your assistance with this problem. I do appreciate it.

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