Trouble with USB Memory Key using 98se.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Curio, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. Curio

    Curio Private E-2

    I have Windows 98se running on a P/C that I am trying to load drivers onto so that I can use the USB Memory Key I recently purchased. I was told that Windows 98se would accept them. However, when I plug the memory key in, the system indicates that it does not have the driver and that I need to load one. I found a driver online, downloaded it, unzipped it and attempted to use the Update Driver option in the Device manager. Oddly I keep getting the message that the system cannot find any information for the device in the .inf file I am attempting to use.

    My only thought is that the USB card that I have may be to old to recognize the .INF file??? I was considering purchasing a new USB card; anyone have an idea what could be wrong here or if buying a new card will work?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Kodo


    what's the brand that you bought?
    I have a 128MB stick I bought two years ago and it works find with 98se. DiskOnKey is the brand that I purchased.
  3. Curio

    Curio Private E-2

    Hello Kodo, It was a dell product. It has no name brand on it. Just the Dell logo. Their website points you to a download called memorykeydriver and the name on the file is LEXARusb.sys. So I assume it is from a company called LEXAR?
  4. Kodo


  5. Curio

    Curio Private E-2

    Kodo, Sorry it took so long to get back to you, thanks for the link, It did not work, I was finally able to find someone at Dell who was able to tell me the manufacturer of the memory key was M-sys, and that I could find the driver on their site. I have since been in contact with M-sys trying to determine which driver it is I need... no answer yet.
  6. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

  7. Curio

    Curio Private E-2

    Yes that did it, Thank-you both for your time and effort. My M-sys USB memory Key now functions properly. There is so much information out there to look through, Great job finding it!
  8. web9

    web9 Private E-2

    Thanks a lot, I had the same exact problem and this did the trick!

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