
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by scottshad, Dec 27, 2006.

  1. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    i was wondering how the rank is determined? E-1 for the first timer/newbie, but how does the system work?
    thank you
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Scott, they equate to the amount of posts you make.

    Post Count \ Title

    0 - 29 Private E-2
    30 - 99 Private First Class
    100 - 199 Senior Member << dunno where this once comes into the military ranks.... I think we should have deckhand or swab!! :D
    200 - 299 Corporal
    300 - 399 Specialist
    400 - 499 Sergeant
    500 - 599 Staff Sergeant
    600 - 699 Master Sergeant
    700 - 799 First Sergeant
    800 - 899 Sergeant Major
    900 - 999 Command Sergeant Major
    1000 + Major Geek

    Some members gain unique rank titles, these can be issued if you have been seen to assist others in fixing their PC issues, for being a nice person or for other reasons like if you ask for a unique title constantly you are likely to get one you don't really want.

    Junk posting to increase a post count to gain a new rank is concidered spamming and will result in a zero'd postcount or worse :)
  3. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    hey halo.
    thanks for the info!
  4. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    You'd be hard put to get a snipe (engineering crew) to swab decks :( and a fight on your hands if you called him a deck hand. :D Ex-member of Uncle Sam's Canoe Club speaking. Besides didn't the army have a rank called buck private (E-1) ?
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Dunno musksnipe, those be US army ranks and I dont know all of them without googling them up.
  6. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    yes, the army does have a rank E-1, Buck Private, everyone who enters the army (except officers) gets this ranking.
  7. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Calling a Private, E-1, a "Buck Private" is derogatory and not tolerated by Army leadership. If a NCO or Officer is using such terms that is demeaning and belittling a subordinated, which is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    Sergeant First Class (Retired), United States Army
  8. BirdBath

    BirdBath Sergeant Major

    I want a unique title :p
  9. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    well, i am not one to give them, you need to talk to owners of the web site.
  10. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    That was a term used during WWII, and meant a Male Private. And as Shadow stated, it is used no more, due to it is more of a Deregatory Term that is not something that is used anymore to describe a Male junior Enlistee.
  11. BirdBath

    BirdBath Sergeant Major

    Sorry, didn't mean to Hi-Jack your Thread.:D
  12. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Shadow_Puter_Dude. I can see that all of us ex-military take their service pridefully... :) I didn't mean any offense. What can you expect from a guy who worked in the deep, dark, dank spaces of the enginerooms? "Senior Member" does seem out of place in the rankings, though.
  13. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    As should anyone who has spent any time in the Armed Forces.
    None taken
    And you still have your hearing?
    I could commit, but....:p Don't have a clue where that one came from.
  14. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Huh???:D We wore mickey mouse ears (sound reducing ear muffs, like the guys who work next to jets and such)
    The navy has a traditional names for the men who work in different areas.
    Unless things have changed since I was in......(We had no women in the fleet then):D
  15. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    hey people, i had no idea that a simple question and a correct comment would cause tension and problems. i do hope you all know that i was NOT trying to get things into such a frenzy! all i wanted to know was one of the workings of this website!
    maybe this thread should be put to bed!
  16. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    No frenzy, scott .....just the normal melding of minds and thoughts. some of us have much experience in many places and none in others, so sometimes comments may seem to offend or sound a little naive, but most of the peeps here know that is the case. most of us just like to clarify our dumber moments:rolleyes:
  17. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    That's cool! this is one of the greatest sites I have been to (been online since 94 or 95---got CRS).
    I have learned a lot here about computers.
    AND I have meant some very friendly people.
    thanks for the words. they are appreciated!
    happy new year!
  18. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Now look at what you started Scott ;)

    I dunno maybe we need to shift E-2 up and add E-1 at the bottom to unify the ranks?
  19. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    No frenzy here, I wanted to point out that using the term "Buck Private" or "Buck Sergeant" is improper and considered derogatory. Those terms have their roots in a segregated Army and are sexist in nature. Therefore not tolerated in todays force.

    Just for reference and clarification, Army Enlisted Ranks lowest to highest:

    Grade of Rank, Abbreviation, Pay Grade
    Private, PVT, E-1
    Private E-2, PV2, E-2
    Private First Class, PFC, E-3
    Specialist, SPC, E-4
    Corporal, CPL, E-4
    Sergeant, SGT, E-5
    Staff Sergeant, SSG, E-6
    Sergeant First Class, SFC, E-7
    Master Sergeant, MSG, E-8
    First Sergeant, 1SG, E-8
    Sergeant Major, SGM, E-9
    Command Sergeant Major, CSM, E-9
    Sergeant Major of the Army, SMA, E-9

    You will notice that 3 Pay Grades have more than 1 Grade of Rank. Specialist, Master Sergeant and Sergeant Major are non-leadership positions. In other words, they are not in command of troops. There is only one Sergeant Major of the Army and that individual is appointed the SMA for a period of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years. At the end of their term as SMA; they will retire. Reverting to a CSM is a demotion in Grade of Rank and will not happen under normal circumstances.

    I believe that "Special Member" is a default VB rank, and as it appears that there was a real attempt to follow the Army Rank structure, it was just left in the third slot to somewhat preserve the rank structure. Just my 2 cents.

    Some of the members have custom titles. Some are obvious as to why they were assigned a custom title, as these are individuals that work certain areas of MGs; such as Malware Removal. Others are assigned custom titles for more nefarious and sometimes humorous reasons. Be careful what you wish for! ;)
  20. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    Halo, what did you say??????????? :)
    I must have missed it :)

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