Not a geek, but i,m getting there

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ptsd1956, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. ptsd1956

    ptsd1956 Private E-2

    Hi you guys and gals, respect to your knowledge:clap Ok, what would u recommend to monitor my wireless network,to protect from a neighbour who states he,s going to use my signal?, all I need is the evidence that he has:D,
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's don't need to monitor your network so much as create a password for your router and set up wep or wpa encryption in the router. Post in the networking section for specific instructions.:)
  3. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    LOL, not a smart neighbour to start with if he tells you he's going to steal your connection. Probably trying to egg you on. Protect yourself as TimW suggested. I like WEP better but something is better than nothing.
  4. Sailor

    Sailor First Sergeant

    Welcome to Major Geeks :).

    HANDSOMEGEEK Private E-2

    Why not have fun and invest in the wired network. Your network will be faster and without a wirless signal there is no signal to steal. They sell wired network cables and kits and local PC shops. Im just not a fan of wireless networks when you have the option of going wired instead. :)
  6. nitecrawler

    nitecrawler Guest

    Wired is a pain in the *** with cables all over the gaff (especially if you have more than 2 clients on your LAN, and you live in a large house with kids down one end and you at the other)......If you know what your doin wireless is the way to go and just as secure.

    WEP comply's 'Wired Equivalency privacy', and whilst better than nothing, can be 'spoofed' by a few who have the software and know how, and even less who would have the motive or inclination....Your not a world bank!
    Put it this way, it will be plenty to keep your noob neighbour out of your network. (Its the quiet ones you gotta watch out for).

    You can go one step further if you like and enable with WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) if you feel the need! Offers slighty better security again, and there's also the option of mac addy filtering with either WEP or WPA encryption or even turning off your SSID broadcasting so he wont even see that your there!!

    If still unsure, you can easily check which (and how many) DHCP clients are accessing your network through your routers web config interface.
    Open a web browser window and type your Default Gateway IP number in the address bar. It should be in most cases.
    To login leave username blank and type admin for the password (unless you have changed it before which is always advisable).

    Once in you can see how many, and what computer IP's or Mac addy's are accessing your network under 'DHCP Clients on Network'!!

  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    welcome to MG's..
  8. ptsd1956

    ptsd1956 Private E-2

    Thanks for the advice and welcome response all, what a helpful site, luckily ive got a loft so i can use wired for 2 machines ( up thru the loft, and down to the machine)
    thanks for the heads up on checking from the browser nitecrawler, I,ve got WEP, Just wait now for the sucker to try;)

    thanks again all:)
  9. nitecrawler

    nitecrawler Guest

    He wishes......WEP will suffice!

    Unless you live next door to Halo ofcourse...

    Ohhh...and welcome :eek:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2007
  10. dromano

    dromano Staff Sergeant

    Welcome to Major Geeks good to have you aboard.
  11. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MjaorGeeks :)

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