Easy Search

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Aragon, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Aragon

    Aragon Private E-2

    This is a fairly large site with masses of great info.

    I have been here a few years and look in for info on this and that several times each year. Usually I come away with something helpful and on one occasion when I put a thread up the mods have jumped in with relevant info and assistance. Great!

    However .... the site has got increasingly larger and it has become harder to find exactly what one is looking for. To save repeating threads etc. it would be great if there was a 'search' option on here without having to go through 'Google' or 'ask Jeeves'.

    At the moment I have trouble with some DVD's which I have bought, maybe compatibility/formating/driver or something like that ... I have searched on here as best one can through the 'headline topics' and then resorted to searching via other search engines.

    The question is, would/does any one else feel that a 'search' option would be useful?

    With respect for a great site

  2. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Hi ;)

    Theres a search at the top or is that the one you cant find anything with?
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

  4. Aragon

    Aragon Private E-2

    Hi there Wayne,

    that would be the one which I find to general.
  5. Aragon

    Aragon Private E-2

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