Is this router any good?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Wayne82, May 27, 2007.

  1. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Hi, I am going to be buying a wireless router tomorrow. Im just after a cheap solution really. I will be connecting a laptop wirelessly and a desktop wired hopefully (via ethernet) or vice versa. Just to confirm, I want to have 1 wireless connection and one wired. My laptop is 802.11g. Ive got my eyes on this cheap and chearfull one here, i just want to know is any good?

    Will it cope with high broadband speeds?
    Will I be able to secure myself well with this?
    Does it have slots to put Ethernet cables?

    Sorry if I sound dumb! Im not well up on this stuff!

    Thanks ;)
  2. risk_reversal

    risk_reversal MajorGeek

    Yes, 4 LAN ports.

    Yes, looks like it has firewall, MAC filtering & WEP / WPA.

    Are you talking about Max ie up to 8Mb or ADSL2 ie up to 24Mb. I am guessing that you are probably thinking of getting ADSL Max ie up to 8Mb. The product specs to this router did not seem to list this but one thing I am pretty sure of is that this router will not be able to cope with ADSL2 ie up to 24Mb speeds. Below is the link to your router.

    The questions that would be on my list is: Does this router provide a reliable ADSL connection & does the wireless functionality work without issues.

    I do not have this router so cannot advise.

    Since you are located in the U.K you may wish to have a look at this site which provides B grade equipment that carry a 30 day warranty but who offer HW at very much cheaper rates.

    I recently purchased a Netgear DG834 v2 (no wireless) which was fine.

    Some users swear by the Thomson ST 585 v6 if you are on a long line, especially as you can use the DMT tool to independently adjust your downstream noise margin. Downstream noise margin (SNR) is a very important point in respect of ADSL Max and will affect your choice of router. Downstream noise margin will also determine your download sync rate also. In order to determine this you will need to know your 'downstream (& upstream)' Noise margin and Attenuation levels located within your current router.

    Here are some other sites that may help.

    My only words of advise and caution are as follows.
    ADSL Max ie up to 8Mb is not like fixed line ADSL ie up to 2Mb in that it can be 'temperamental'. Prior to hw purchase you will need to consider many aspects one of which is line stats (as detailed above). other factors to consider are the internal wiring of the house that you are in.

    I hope this has helped.

    Good Luck
    Last edited: May 27, 2007
  3. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I use a D-Link router similar to that one, Wayne. It has been reliable for me, but it is not wireless. It does have a fire-wall and is also password protected. I think it is a very good inexpensive router.
    They come with a nice little application that makes set-up easy, monitors your network, makes folder sharing easy to start or stop, trouble shoots your connections, and also has a pretty reliable speed-test. You get a free trial for something like 30 days and then it reverts to a basic state but still contains a lot of features (folder sharing requires the full license, if I remember right). It is one of the few apps that I actually paid to keep the full features.
  4. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Thanks for the replies risk reversal and musky. I got most of what you said up untill the long lines and noise bits! Sorry Im really not that tech :(

    I like the prices on that site however. And I am cosidering the Netgear DG834G same as you. My question is does this have an ethernet output also? I presume so or you would not have mentioned it eh?

    I am actually on a cable line, the wire runs all the way through my house to my computer room. Heres pictures of my current setup:-

    The adapter pictured here is what plugs into my modem, will that plug into a router? what is the correct name for that adapter and the port it goes into?

    connecter.jpg connector.jpg modem.jpg

    Im not too worried about signal as the furthest my notebook will be from the router is 5-10 metres, and probably not even that most of the time.

    Thanks to anyone who can answer this as I hope to order this today and dont want to mess it up!! ;)
  5. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    i am not too good on the specs for these things (i have a Phillips 6600) but as far as protection goes this is a handy little tool. not sure if it's available at MGs though confused
  6. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Thanks bill, ill note it down, im mostly concerned with buying the right thing at the minute!

    Is an ADSL router good for cable? just to add to my above questions?
  7. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    sure i am on cable with my digital tv telephone and adsl all on the same router with no problems,

    on the street where i live we have our local hacker(LITTLE SOD) and the piece of software i gave you tells me every time he tries to get on my network so i am always ready for him.:)
  8. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

  9. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Wayne, the cable stays on your modem. The ethernet cable plugged in your modem will now plug into the router and the router has a main connection that plugs into you modem (in the spot you removed your ethernet from).
  10. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Oh right! Nice one!
  11. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

  12. risk_reversal

    risk_reversal MajorGeek

    It is my understanding that ADSL routers and cable routers are not interchangeable ie if you receive your broadband by cable ie Virgin or Telewest, then you must get a cable router as the connection will be different. That is of course on the basis that you want to ditch the cable modem and use the modem in the router. If you are going to continue using the existing cable modem that you have, then the new router you are looking to purchase will merely be used as a 'wireless router' ie you are using the cable modem and the new hardware as a router 'only' with wireless functionality.

    On the broadbandstuff home page, you will see a product menu on the left hand side under the heading categories. The first item listed is ADSL broadband. The category that you want is Cable broadband about 5 or so below.

    Someone has recommended the Buffalo WHR-54S.

    Don't use cable and have never had a Buffalo so can comment.

    Good Luck
    Last edited: May 27, 2007
  13. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Oh no!! Please dont confuse me again! Can i do what musky says and plug my modem into the router, then thats it, job done?

  14. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    i am not sure about the UK but here my adsl supplier is Belgacom but as long as my adsl is on i can use any router i like i just have to configure it ,mine came with a cd that contained a setup wizard
  15. risk_reversal

    risk_reversal MajorGeek

    Apologies Wayne82. Yes you can do it as musksnipe stated.

    Good Luck
  16. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Thanks again everyone!

    No need for apologies risk_reversal, you just saved me £20-30! With that link earlier! Your my new best freind! :D
  17. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Wayne have you bought it yet?

    If not, I'd seriously consider the Linksys WRT54G, one of the best routers around for cable modems.
  18. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I use the Buffalo. Super cheap and considered to be one of the best candidates for the DD-WRT firmware.
  19. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Its allready on its way now! Im happy though, cant grumble for less than £25.

    Theres only 1 system I will be having wireless and it wont be far from the router. If it has problems I can always throw in an ethernet cable.

    Thanks :)
  20. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    My router has just arrived. And I an not happy :(

    I was under the impression as said above that my ethernet, the one whichis now plugged into my pc, would be able to go from my mosem to the router. The routers input is a DSL connection, there is no ethernet input at all!!

    I just rang my ISP and they told me if I get a Ethernet to DSL wire it will be able to work. Please can someone tell me if this is correct, or have I just blew £25?

    Please HELP me!!! Thanks... :)
  21. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    This is the back of the router - 4 ethernet out - 1dsl in

    This is the side of my notebook - 1 ethernet - 1 dsl

    Im unsure what ports the Desktop I an getting has as yet. I wanted this notebook to be wireless and the desktop to be wired, BUT any solution at the moment will be good.

    I just spoke to a local computer shop on the phone and he said im stuffed, send it back :(

    Is there no converters for ethenet to dsl? Or any solution, I have cash here to buy the needed part.

  22. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Wayne this is partially my fault. I didn't see where you got confused into buying an adsl router instead of a cable one. I didn't look at this
    close enough because we had been talking CABLE, you have CABLE, and never stated you were switching from CABLE services. I think this is where you got led wrong:
    I did some checking, (already knew the answer as do you) cable and adsl are not compatible.I don't know if Bill has a special modem that handles both or what but it confused the issue. Sorry bud.
    MA has stated in threads before that issues get confused with too many people supplying answers and this is a good example of what happens
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2007
  23. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Yeh I wasn't sure what provider you were using either Wayne, as you're UK I'm familiar with providers so who is yours?

    Surely you can just connect the dsl cable from the modem into the router and then ethernet on the router to the pc/laptop?
  24. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    mcadam, that's his problem. He doesn't have dsl.;)
  25. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Thats is the problem, I only have ethernet from my modem. Its VirginMedia cable. Its a direct cable line into a modem with an ethernet output.

    Ah well, Im just going to have to get the one I wanted originally as I have been told its definately compatable. £24 isnt that much, but its a pain as I had £50 for a router the other day for when my new PC arrives, now its a week till I can get one! :(

    Im just going to keep the other in case I ever need it, it may come in handy one day. It cost me £20 and £4 for delivery. To send it back, I have to pay postage, then another £4 for another delivery!! Sod it, Ill just put it down to experience.

    My own fault for not doing enough homework. I just got confused with the above!! At least I know my stuff about routers a little better now! I wont be making that mistake again in a hurry!

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