BSODs regarding ntoskrnl.exe 7f 50 1e 0a

Discussion in 'Software' started by filippos, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. filippos

    filippos Private E-2

    My Win2k keeps hanging up whenever it pleases, so today I had BSOD 0a, before 3 days 1e, before 1 month 50 and 7f.
    All that unexpected and on different occasions, the last one OE was getting mails.
    All that are regarding ntoskrnl.exe
    What should I look?
  2. Bugballou

    Bugballou MajorGeek

    I've ended up reformatted PC's due to that file being missing or corrupt. First try changing out the keyboard, probably not the case, but a possibility. Try loading last known good configuaration by using F8 key while booting. I would go right for the throat and run a system file check.
  3. filippos

    filippos Private E-2

    Is sfc replaces all dlls with original ones?

    If this is true then I'll lost my disk, because original Win2k not recognize disks > 32GBs - mine is 250GBs.

    Is there another solution?
  4. filippos

    filippos Private E-2

    Happened again and again 0A 1E 7F "unexpected kernel mode trap" this time, previous 7f was "irql not less or equal"
    I suspect memory or PSU.
  5. Bugballou

    Bugballou MajorGeek

    Seems to be quite prolific problem on Win2K, and for many different reasons. Google showed this thread among others.
    Seems 2K has a few things in common with Xp, try a disk check first, My Computer, Right Click on Local Disk C:, Choose Properties, left click tools tab, under error checking choose check now, choose both "Automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" You will be prompted to restart. Start, Turn off computer, restart. The check will run, and be patient, it will take some time. If you have the ability to back up your system to a separate location do it.

    sfc /quiet - In Windows 2000 this sets Windows File Protection to replace any incorrect system files detected with the appropriate version from the dll cache without any user notification.
    from this page, also read it from microsft, but this one is easier to understand.

    Jsut curious about the size of your page file also

    A page file can be individually set for each drive by doing the following.
    1. On the desktop, right click "My Computer"
    2. Select "Properties" from the provided selection list.
    3. Click the Advanced Tab on the top right of the window
    4. Click the "Performance Options..." button
    5. Click the Change button, the "Virtual Memory" window will open.
    Is the number greater than or equal to 1.5 times the RAM on your system, is it set to a static amount (initial and maximum size are the same) or is it a system managed size?

    Sorry about keeping up, new job, new people, life is happening, lets keep it that way!
  6. filippos

    filippos Private E-2

    Is this true?
    I'm afraid loosing everything.

    Memory size is 1GB, swapfile size = 1-2GB
    My disk is checked forced once again and its ok.

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