Scams - Post Your Favorite(s)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, May 22, 2024.

  1. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    That was sarcasm, nobody likes a scam. Let's share the head shaking nonsense we've been seeing out in the wild. Who knows? You might help someone.

    My current three favorites:

    • Texts from USPS/AMAZON telling you that some package could not be delivered, and to go to a website to enter in all your information, so they can get it back to you.
      • This is most popular around Christmas, when you likely are expecting a package
      • They are in poor English and the site they take you to is fake
      • The fact that they have your Cellphone number means that your data was in fact compromised in a data breach at some point.
      • Ignore and block them
    • Calls from the Social Security Administration or the IRS telling you that you owe them all kinds of money and if you don't pay immediately, they will <insert threat here>.
      • Same, you were involved in a data breech, but they are missing information. Do not give it to them.
      • The US government will never ever call you; they prefer writing really douchy letters that give you until two days before you got the letter - because it took them three weeks to mail it - to respond. They also only tell you that because they are not efficient but expect you to be.
        • Remember kids: It does not matter if it was the government's mistake, or your mistake, it is YOUR problem to fix now, and nobody cares why!
      • Hang up on them and block the number.
    • Calls to the elderly, pretending to be a loved one in peril, that want you to send money.
      • Please warn your parents/grandparents about this one, it happens a lot.
      • They will call from an unknown number and refer to themselves in third person. They are waiting for you to clarify the name for them. (This is your grandson. Oh, Alex? Yes, Alex.)
      • Hang up on them and call the relative in question back on the number you have for them. They're okay, I promise.
    I haven't even scratched the surface or gotten into E-threats. Post the ones you've seen that you either thought was super despicable, or very clever.

    Let's hear it!
  2. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    The grandparent scam happened to my grandma twice. Luckily, she didn't lose any money, because she "knew none of our dumb asses would be foolish enough to call her for money, she don't got any!"
    Gensuknives likes this.
  3. Scott Baylo

    Scott Baylo Private E-2

    I was gonna ask if you meant favorite as in something you’ve done to scam some big corporation (which is a victimless crime if you ask me), or maybe more like best thing you’ve heard of, or worst thing done to you?

    But I’m very divided on scams in general, I absolutely love when people screw over “the man” even the tiniest bit, but when one lowly human being scams another as their way of “earning” income, there are some gray areas, but that doesn’t mean I like it, just that it really depends… you can’t hate someone if they’re doing it out of necessity at that moment, and it’s the only way they know how to survive, but that’s a discussion for another time because it could take hours… bottom line is I’d rather people didn’t screw each other over, and we would unite against the real problems like eliminating the money/slave system entirely, but again… another time.

    I’ve been scammed a few times, most recently was a russian hacker somehow got into my steam account and attempted getting into a bunch of other things, but luckily I don’t do much digitally anyway, so it’s strange that I was targeted at all.
    -I don’t have a real bank account
    -no credit or debit cards
    -just a few things like paypal, amazon, and steam where I purchase anything (and all that is done with gift cards) so to say I’m a little cautious (or paranoid) is an understatement!
    but my guess is it was the fault of steam with their nonexistent security.
    I noticed a “friend” pop up that I thought I must’ve added by mistake, but wasn’t sure how because again, i’m overly cautious and literally only add people I know in real life!
    So I watched them start stealing from me in real time, and since they don’t have any real customer service, I was nervously all over the place for a minute trying to figure out what to do, then I just started spamming whatever I could find that would set off flags to shut down my account.
    luckily it finally worked, and they only got the $40 out of my wallet, and some of the inventory items that I don’t even know WTF those are for, or what they do (I should probably look into this, and sell whatever I have left, so if it happens again, they’ll have nothing to take)
    But steam were really awful about the whole thing! Not only did they not give me back the stolen items, but they didn’t even reimburse the $40 that was clearly used to buy garbage from the thieves account! (plus I literally have at least one of their accounts, because they were the “friend” I assume was there to monitor whatever I was doing)
    Trying to talk to steam about this through email was enraging, and a waste of time, as they basically say “Everything seems to be hunky dory now, see you later dummy!” and end the conversation by “closing the ticket” as they say.
    But every time I bring this up, I get just as enraged as if it’s happening again I was wondering if maybe I should contact the better business bureau or something, but I’m pretty lazy, and doubt I’d see it through to the end, so why bother when it probably won’t do any good?
  4. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    All of OnlyFans, really. :oops:

    They ask you to pay for 2 second clips of themselves drooling or whatever. Then you cannot get your money back. Sorry. :eek:
  5. Scott Baylo

    Scott Baylo Private E-2

    I try to stay away from the porn these days… but some days I fail miserably!
    I get the whole allure of amateurs and stuff, but in this day and age to pay for porn is kinda nuts!
    I won’t even tell you what crazy lengths an old fart like me had to go to just to find something worth spanking it to, let alone a place to spank it with said material!
    Well, maybe just one story.
    Alright gather round children, and grandpa will tell you a tale…
    So when I was like 13, I found a dirty magazine under a bridge, on top of one of the concrete pillar things (that was clearly put there by some other kids who also had no place safe to keep it at home), so I literally had to go through the woods in the back yard, make my way down a few paths, and ended up down under a bridge to beat the $#it outta myself like some kind of troll, or a filthy animal!
    I tell ya, you kids don’t know the meaning of struggle! What with your portable porn machines and such
    SCT Guy likes this.
  6. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    You should have asked for feet pics, bro.
    SCT Guy likes this.

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