Majorgeeks News And Software Updater

Discussion in 'Latest Videos From MajorGeeks YouTube Channel' started by Corporal Punishment, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

  2. Gekko1950

    Gekko1950 Private E-2

    This works very well for informing me of new apps that are available. However, when I try "Check for updates for your installed apps", I get garbage. See for yourself:


    I'm running Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3527), Windows Package Manager v1.7.11132 (Winget) and Microsoft Store Install Service is running.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    thats kinda odd... at first look somehow the first pull - 3d viewer had some extraneous data in it, that then affected the rest of the tables. Just guessing -- maybe a special character. But looking at mine _8wek**** is part of the version being pulled, or part of the file name anyway.

    But yeah, the rest is wrong.

    if you click -- say audacity -- what happens?

    Attached Files:

  4. AlomWareCom

    AlomWareCom Private E-2

    Hi, this has been fixed for the next release. Windows 11 formats the table data slightly differently, but I have no idea why. Paul @ AlomWare.
  5. Gekko1950

    Gekko1950 Private E-2

    Sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you have it fixed in the next release. Can you give an idea of when that release might be?

    To answer your question; when I double-clicked on Audacity, I got this:
    Updating: Audacity 3.5.1

    No available upgrade found.
    No newer package versions are available from
    the configured sources.


    Thanks for the follow-up and getting this fixed.
  6. AlomWareCom

    AlomWareCom Private E-2

    Hi Gekko, I'm waiting on feedback from MajorGeeks about the fix and update. They need to green-light it before I can release a final build.

    As for the updates: the app just uses Winget in the background, so what you're seeing in the right-hand box (under "Check for updates") is what Winget is reporting. We can't fix that. The app is just a GUI for Winget.
  7. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    Hear ye, hear ye!

    By the decree of MajorGeeks, it is proclaimed that a momentous release has graced our digital realm: the MajorGeeks News and Software Updater 4.0.20! Rejoice, for this tool is crafted to keep your software up to date, your knowledge sharp, and your memes current. Hark, fellow geeks, and let it be known that this updater shall bring forth timely updates and news directly to your screens, ensuring you remain at the pinnacle of technological prowess. Embrace this marvel henceforth!

    (Ok -- maybe I have had too much coffee today)

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