Not Sure If This Is Hardware Or Software.

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by freaky-lil-raver, May 24, 2024.

  1. freaky-lil-raver

    freaky-lil-raver Private E-2

    My daughter tried to update to windows 11, and in the update, it told her to change things in the BIOS, then it all went to hell. we cannot even get into the bios as we have no display on the screen. I know more info is needed but looking for a place to start to diagnose this issue. Computer worked perfect before the BIOS change. where do we start?

    thanks all
  2. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    How to reset BIOS without display...
    How do I reset my BIOS without seeing the screen?...
    you can search the wisdom of the internet for items like the above.
    if you do search the internet, using the computer make and model would be helpful.

    basically though, it involves removing the CMOS battery on the motherboard for several minutes, to reset
    the BIOS back to default values.
    1. Turn off all peripheral devices connected to the computer.
    2. Disconnect the power cord from the AC power source.
    3. Remove the computer cover.
    4. Find the battery on the board. ...
    5. Remove the battery: ...
    6. Wait 1–5 minutes, then reconnect the battery.
    7. Put the computer cover back on.
    otherwise, no brilliant ideas, good luck with it.
    LJR and Fred_G like this.
  3. risk_reversal

    risk_reversal MajorGeek

    Though you do not state it in your post, I am guessing that the pc in question is a laptop(?)

    If that assumption is correct, then the bios setting that was most likely changed is the display setting from the laptop panel to an external monitor.

    Until and unless you either (i) clear the bios as stated by harmless or (ii) connect an external monitor to the relevant port on the laptop, then you will likely continue to have a black screen.

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