Youtube Issue On Android...

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Software' started by SCT Guy, May 25, 2024.

  1. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    After clearing my cache in my settings for the YouTube app, YouTube videos will not play on my Samsung mobile. I restarted my phone, but it's just the same way.

    Outdoors, a speed check showed I have 21 Mbps. So what's the issue?

    Oh, and on another phone I purchased as a spare, it's running Android 12. However, it doesn't connect to Wi-Fi, which is something I noticed immediately following an update. It seems though, many users have experienced the same problem. I didn't pay an awful lot for the phone, mind you. So maybe it's just not that good.

    It did feel sluggish, despite being new in its box.

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