Buying New Hp Computer

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by buddyrhonda, May 25, 2024.

  1. buddyrhonda

    buddyrhonda Private First Class

    I've been using a desktop computer for years, and now need to buy a new one. Why is is when I look on any websites selling desktops (NEW) all that's in the photo is computer screen, keyboard & mouse. Why isn't the computer that has the power showing in any of these? I'm pretty slow when it comes to computers. Just want to make sure the computer itself is included, not just what they are showing in the photos. Been searching on Amazon for HP with Windows 10.
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    If you can tell us more about your planned use/requirements are, and a budget, would be easier to help.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    It could be you are looking at all-in-ones where the computer is located behind the monitor. Business computers, like in banks, do not have large box like units. 600566987 one HP shown here. Since support for Windows 10 will end in late 2025, you will see refurbished rather than new units for sale.
    Fred_G likes this.
  4. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I just use an Android TV box now. :p

    The cheaper variety can be sluggish. The Google certified ones are way better.
  5. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    What you are looking for is a desktop tower. Micro ATX is the small one. They still make the style, but smaller. There are also what are called "NUC" models now. Really small.
  6. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Important information when picking out a new computer, or asking for help with it, is knowing exactly:

    1. What you need the computer to do
    • Games? Which ones. Games have specific system requirements, and you want to find a computer that will play your game and not be obsolete as soon as you buy it.
    • Can that game be run on a laptop or does it need a desktop?
    • Streaming? Does it need bluetooth, built in WiFi, or a LAN cable?
    • Emails/Work? Does it need/can it handle to run the software required for your job?
    2. How much you're willing to spend
    • Gaming computers will get more and more expensive the higher graphics they are able to support.
    • Everything else is making sure it's included if you're buying a pre-built.
    • Is it cheaper to buy parts and NOT buy a pre-built?
    • Have you checked the Brand you're looking at against consumer reporting?
    So, the language you search after that matters, and once you've decided on all of that information, you can look into the type of computer you intend to buy.

    • What you're describing is an All-in-One (AiO) which Consolidates a desktop's hardware into the display unit, so it doesn't require a separate tower and can save space. These aren't as efficient at running some types of things, and if they break they're harder to repair.
    • Another choice Gaming computers, which are Designed for high-performance gaming with a powerful CPU, GPU, and RAM, plus peripherals like mechanical keyboards and gaming mice. They generally have more cooling to account for the stress on the components.
    • A Basic desktop, Computer Tower, can run office applications, web browsers, and email, and is often connected to a network for internet access and printing. You can either just buy the tower unit and use your old monitor(s) and peripherals, or you can buy them with the tower.
    So if you're looking for an HP all in one computer, and to you that means a new computer and all the stuff that comes with it - what you're going to get in the search is all all-in-one computers.
  7. XoXgaming

    XoXgaming Corporal

    HP stands for Hilarious Peddlers.Or Hope and pray.

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