Thunderbird Is Completely Wiped Out From My Computer

Discussion in 'Software' started by the skeezix, May 26, 2024.

  1. the skeezix

    the skeezix Corporal

    I've been using Hekasoft to backup my Firefox and Thunderbird apps for over a year. I just had a reason to do a Thunderbird Restore operation, and when I opened TB after the restore completed successfully, I got a brand new TB screen totally unlike what I had before the Restore operation. It is treating me as though I just installed TB. No bookmarks, no folders, no TB menu bar, no anything. It's as if TB never existed on my computer.

    So after the restore operation, I clicked Visit Mozilla Thunderbird Website and Firefox opened with a TB page asking me to start a new installation of TB.

    What did I do wrong?
  2. LJR

    LJR Private E-2

    That is bizarre. I've used Firefox and T-bird since they were "Netscape'" (long before AO-*ELL killed Netscape.:( ) and never had a problem. I suspect it MAY have had something to do with the "RESTORE" function in the MS software app. I'd best suggest going back to a restore point before the problem began and THEN backing up T-Bird and everything else before trying anything else.(MS software may often "RESTORE" to a factory default, which isn't what you apparently want.
  3. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Never used Hekasoft myself so unable to comment on what, if anything, you may have done wrong but it does seem it has failed either to backup or to restore your profile. It's very likely that your profile is still exactly where it was, and if so this article should help you find it and adopt it in your current TBird installation.

    Good luck!
  4. the skeezix

    the skeezix Corporal

    I managed to get Thunderbird working again along with all of my address books and folders and whatever.

    When I looked in my TB Profiles folder I saw a lot of stuff that shouldn't be there. For instance, there were a few of my Firefox profiles in that folder, and my profiles.ini file was referencing one of them. So I deleted all of the FF profiles along with the profiles I was not using and now TB appears to be working.

    I think the problem started when I accidentally updated TB to version 116 which, I understand, is a Beta version. I am now back to version 115.11.
    Earthling likes this.

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