Laptop Freezes

Discussion in 'Software' started by Blujay, Oct 14, 2024 at 7:43 AM.

  1. Blujay

    Blujay Specialist

  2. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    How are your power options set? Is it going to sleep?
    What do you mean by 'frozen'?
  3. Blujay

    Blujay Specialist

    Hi Replicator, thanks for the quick reply
    not going to sleep.
    frozen - screen on with last image on screen - trying to move mouse, type on keyboard, nothing works.
    Have to hard reset by pressing power button for 20 secs.
  4. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    If its only a recent occurrence, then perhaps yes, it may be related to a recent OS update, driver install or other 3rd party software install.
    Does it occur under normal operation during the day when your using the device, or only after being left on overnight and then you come back to it?
    You have done Malware scans no doubt?
  5. Blujay

    Blujay Specialist

    Hi, I think maybe OS updates, I can't recall installing any recent new software. I have Malwarebytes Premium running, doing daily scans at the least, and it has no detections.

    So far, it has not happened during the day. And not always during overnight, for instance, I left the machine running last night and it is still running fine.

    Thanks again Replicator
  6. Blujay

    Blujay Specialist

    last night i also noticed that my wifi dropped off but the machine did not freeze, but restarting the laptop fixed it. This was new. Running fine since then. Scans still clean.
  7. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    You should be ok, if your keen you could try rolling back the update and see if that helps.
    From my experience, I have found that waiting for the next update rather than rolling back usually fixes any bugs from previous!
  8. Blujay

    Blujay Specialist

    Thanks, I think I will do that. Restarting every now and then isn't such a big deal.

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