Do You Remember Cindysnoopy And Eclayton?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by StabbyRoomba, Feb 10, 2025.

  1. StabbyRoomba

    StabbyRoomba Private E-2

    Hey all!

    I'm new here, but some of you may know me indirectly, I'm Kolya! My parents are Cindysnoopy and Eclayton. I spent SEVERAL hours last night going through the old threads from 2004 to around 2007 and picking up bits and pieces about my childhood and everything going on back then. Being able to spy on my parents conversations they were having while I was in bed 20 years ago is pretty crazy.

    I've been considering trying to build myself a PC and mentioned it to my mom and she suggested I come on here to get some advice. I ended up coming on here to try and see how many of the OGs are still active and what names she recognized and fell down the rabbit hole.

    I'm not at the point where I need advice on PC stuff yet but it felt weird to read through all of that and not at least say hi. Some of you watched me grow up and talked my parents through some pretty hard times including my my grandpa passing away, my sibling Drexel getting sick, and the 2 seizures I had the day before my 5th birthday. The thread about my seizures in particular was pretty surreal to read through. It meant a lot to me to be able to read through all the messages of support and encouragement from back then.

    I don't know how many of you were around that long ago or would remember my parents but if you do I'd love to hear from you!

    Oh and if anyone knows what ever happened to the yeller shorts I'd love to know ;)
    Wenchie likes this.
  2. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I love them. So by proxy I love you too. I remember the old days, and the 20 Lemon's fundraiser. Those were good times. The fate of the yeller shorts are forever a mystery.
    StabbyRoomba likes this.
  3. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    I love them also!!!!!

    The good days were much better :(
    StabbyRoomba likes this.
  4. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Online Gaming and forums be like...

    Tell them to come back! :cool:
    StabbyRoomba likes this.
  5. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    How are they? Tell them we miss them.
    StabbyRoomba likes this.
  6. StabbyRoomba

    StabbyRoomba Private E-2

    Thank you for your responses all!!! Sorry for my late response, I had some health stuff come up I was dealing with but I'm feeling much better now.

    @Wenchie it is so surreal to talk to you after seeing you support my parents and reassure them after my seizures among everything else. I hope you are doing well!!

    @dude111 I can see that your account was made this year, did you go by a different name? I'd love to pass along your message but I believe they didn't recognize your new name! If it's the same or similar, apologies though, they'd probably recognize you from a profile pic or from a story or context.

    @fleppen They both remember you! They aren't together anymore but they are doing well and both say hi! I've told them both how I've reached out to y'all and they've been blown away by how many people are still here periodically and how much old info I was able to find. I've definitely been showing them all the gems I've found.

    One of my favorites was a voice recording of 2 year old Drexel (who is now 23) saying "Hi Major Geeks! Hi Abby Sue! It was very adorable. I also had to figure out how to convert the .wav file into an mp3 so I could even listen to it so that was funny but not too difficult.

    I also enjoyed my mom talking about watching Bambi with me for the first time. I asked why the man was trying to shoot the deer, and she explained that people eat them, (and that they taste good) and 4 year old me wanted to go get some venison to eat while I watched Bambi. That is still SO me and I laughed so much reading that.

    Thank you for your responses guys it's so cool to hear from you! If anyone else sees this later and knows them too I want to hear from you!! Please say hello!
    fleppen and Wenchie like this.
  7. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    It's a shame their lives went in different directions, but I'm glad they're both doing well out there. Lots of our lives have taken a lot of hard lefts, or worse, and it's always reassuring to remember what it was like when the band was all together. I hope they pop in and say hello.
    fleppen and StabbyRoomba like this.
  8. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    I can fully attest to that. Sometimes, or even regularly, stuff happens. Happy to hear they're both doing well. Tell them to get their butts behind a pc and go here sometime. Preferably at a miserable time for you guys as I live in Europe ;)
  9. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Where's here? I wanna gooOOOoooo!

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