What's New With You?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    we have to pay inspection and all, and the roads are barely drivable. o_O
  2. Bob D

    Bob D Private E-2

    The low cost may be due ,in part to the fact that the van is a 2008 with less than 14000 miles on it. I'm over 70 and the van is a handy capped vehicle. Over 70,,, egad ,,, the end of this month I'll be 75 :(:eek:o_O...
  3. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Did you see what they have lined up for the Game Awards next month, including the possible Game of the Year?

    A freaking solitaire game is among the potential winners. Yeah. That's actually one of their nominees for to claim the top spot in 2024. No word of lie, folks.

    And they wonder why gaming is going downhill. :p
    Fred_G likes this.
  4. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    W11 PC going into repair loop when downloading legit games.

    I've only got eybrows left to pull out at my age...
  5. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    Gee, almost as if a federal road tax system combined with a federal road maintenance system would be beneficial ;)

    Tried the clean install option? Sometimes Windows gets funky for no reason but to annoy its user.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    OHH nice Fred a Lexus!

    I have just changed well in March 2024 to the new Lexus LBX, decided I needed confort over having my back broken in sports cars as in my Abarth 595 (great car but not so great on UK roads).
    Actually this colour and model https://media.lexus.co.uk/the-all-new-lexus-lbx/#lg=1&slide=0
    Fred_G likes this.
  7. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    Yes. It worked for almost two weeks, and has now pulled another infinite boot loop stunt. I'm sticking with 10 until I absolutely have no choice.
  8. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    There's going to be more snow this week, I heard. That's all I need. :D
  9. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    "Tis the season to be snowbound, falala, falala!
  10. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I love the color of that Lexus! Mine is a bit more ahh, mature than yours. ;) But I got a pretty good deal on it, and it is paid for. Since it turned cold, the lifts on the rear door and hood have gotten weak. I replaced the ones on the rear gate yesterday, the one for the hood is on the way.

    I must say, the heated seats have spoiled me.
    DavidGP likes this.
  11. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I just had a bowl of stir fry with chicken. Yummy!

    I had to help my sister carry heavy bags back to her house this evening.
  12. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    Smoked mozzarella and eggplant pie. Extra Fra Diavlo.:eek: Something red.

    Good conversation.
  13. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Workmen in my property did something and now only my kitchen sockets are working. I need to sock it to them. ;)
  14. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hey Fred, heated seats spoiled me as last car I had them on was 10yrs ago, now heated seats and stearing wheel (latter I love as I get really cold hands in winter) the best bit is the Lexus+ app and that I can be having breakfast and turn the cars heating and defrosting on so ready for me when I'm ready, a plus of hybrid EV.
    Fred_G likes this.
  15. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I really have to get something done about the mice in my flat. They leave their waste everywhere. I pulled the cooker back and noticed loads of droppings. They can climb up the back to get at things on the bunkers. And they squeak under the floorboards.

    I also hear them at night. Paying me a visit, are you, Jerry? :)
  16. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I am jealous! My hands get cold easily too! Luckily the heater gets warm faster than all my previous cars. But a heated steering wheel would be sweet!
  17. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    It's cold this evening. I just left to go to M&S.
  18. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    That's so fancy! My car is so old it's like the next year after they stopped putting ashtrays into them.

    Well, I guess it isn't my car. But it's used to cart my princess ass around.
    Fred_G and fleppen like this.
  19. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    This week, I learned that the only good lawyer is a dead lawyer. LOL. ;)

    I got sentenced in court to 135 days of cozy home curfew for saying to somebody (in 2021, no less), "Just admit it. You never cared about me". Wasn't even a hearing that took place in my local court either. I had to go to Livingston in West Lothian.
  20. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    That seems like a weird sentence for just that Cooper.
    Cooper likes this.
  21. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Yes, I also feel like there is a myriad of missing information, that my life will probably be much improved never knowing. But Boo Lawyers....
    Cooper likes this.
  22. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Wow! Love my 1A here in the US. At least for now.
    Cooper likes this.
  23. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    Is this a new movie about a haunted house with a dead lawyer constantly lawyering away at everything you say or do?
    Wenchie and Cooper like this.
  24. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    I seem to recall life being much quieter in this country back before the Supremes allowed lawyers to advertise.
  25. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Obviously, now it has to be.
  26. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

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