4k Downloader Stopped Working..

Discussion in 'Software' started by outdoorgal, May 22, 2021.

  1. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    ..and has "not activated" in upper left corner. It's still free everywhere I looked by googling, 30 downloads allowed a day. I never come close to that so I don't see that as an issue. It seems to be asking me for a "key" as if I purchased the program.

    Here's a photo of what I am getting, and this happened before, and seems if I remember right, it just went away. I did do a complete uninstall/reinstall of the program, then I also went back to a previous version which didn't work either.

    Can't figure it out so hoping someone might have an answer for me, thanks much, and I'm putting a photo in to show you what I see. Oh, and when I do try to download, I get the red triangle and failed download. I also tried downloading from 2 different sites, including MGs :

    4k Downloader.JPG
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I have it installed on my desktop and laptop, both running Windows 7.
    I just fire it up and see this
    I'll try to download without updating and see what happens. Be back in a bit.
    outdoorgal likes this.
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I first got: site unsupported (it is YouTube). I tried a different way, clicking on the red paste link and it refused to download. Can't parse this link was the error.

    I'll update the program and see if it now works.
    Yes, once I updated it works.

    If you don't get a notice about updating and you are not running the latest version, click Help in the program and update it.
    outdoorgal likes this.
  4. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    Thanks Plodr,

    Seems really odd since I never had any issues accept one, short-lived problem which I don't remember what fixed it. I think it fixed itself but I don't want to wait for that to "maybe" happen again ;)
  5. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    My new download of the 4K is still not working, can't figure it out, and this was with a different youtube video.
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  7. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    I gave up on 4K and downloaded one called Jdownloader from your "downloads" @plodr but it was a RAR file, so I downloaded WinRAR. That was a complete flop and WinRAR had the exe for Jdownloader, but when I clicked to open the setup, it was trying but just quit. Do recognize that behavior and is there a way to get jdownloader.exe straight away instead of in rar file?

    Thanks for helping me

    PS I will go try the troubleshooting, maybe it will help too ;)
  8. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    It worked @plodr !! I turned on my VPN, and it worked. I have no idea why I would be banned from Youtube, and I got no notice, I'm on there every day ;)

    Thanks, omgosh, this is great! Denise
  9. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    You did extract the exe file to a folder before trying to run it? Downloads in WinRAR are compressed.

    EDIT - no longer relevant
    outdoorgal likes this.
  10. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    Yes, I did Earthling, but it must have been corrupt or something as I could not unzip it. That's ok because I finally figured out my VPN was interfering with 4K. I read to check that somewhere, so I turned off VPN and 4K began working again.
  11. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    If you need or want to use WinRAR again just right click the .rar file and you are offered several options, including Extract Here which puts an uncompressed version of the file into the current folder. It's long been my archive prog of choice despite a not very friendly user interface.
    outdoorgal likes this.

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